This photo says it all!
This is the photo of a boy who is "Second-Fiddle"!
It's not that we've meant to do that...
It's not that we don't just absolutely LOVE and ADORE him!
However, older brother has pretty much been in the spotlight for the past 4 months
(Track meets, birthday, graduation, graduation party, gifts, Color in Motion run, Encampment, in the spotlight of every moment pretty much).
SO, today, I want to reflect on the many FUN, sweet and cherished moments I've had with him over the past year that I never want to forget!
This photo speaks JOY!
Ethan has so much energy and go power!
He's a "mini-Tracy" and every time I see his boundless energy in action, I think that I'm experiencing what it must have been like to be a mom to Tracy when he was young and that just has me where I can't wipe the smile off my face!
(Homemade Banana Creamsicles...
He's my little "Taster" letting me know if something I make is yummy or not! )
He's notices all of the little things;
like ladybugs and little water droplets on leaves
He's the hardest working kid I know.
He dug this entire trench all by himself.
Hours of digging in the hot sun!
This persistence will take him far in life!

This handsome boy with the cutest freckled face
is ready to head off to 5th Grade!

First field trip of 5th Grade..
The Museum of Idaho
It made my heart happy
that he BEGGED and wanted me to come and be a chaperone for the trip!
I'm sure it won't always be this way, but, I'm treasuring his excitement for having me in these special moments of his life greatly!
Next stop on the field trip...
swimming at the Aquatic Center
Ethan, Alex and Tyler...
such great friends!
I sure do love my Dorks...
Jade and Ethan
(dress up for school day)
80's day at school!
(you really ROCKED the stone washed jacket, pants and converse shoes, Ethan!)
My airplane loving boy noticed this cool sight
at one of Jade's Cross Country meets.
Poster we made for your special week at school!
Punk Rocker for Halloween
Ethan won the ribbons at the State Fair
for his Lewis and Clark booklet!
(His sweet teacher Mrs. Parker was SO impressed with it and she entered it into the State Fair without letting him know. His 5th grade teacher sent home this packet with him after the fair was over with all of his ribbons, certificates and even some money that we he won.
We were SO impressed!)
This was the bulletin board at the Middle School...
I love all of the positive words that the kids get to see everyday!
What an awesome FAUX-Hawk!
(and adorable freckles)
Dissecting Squids in Science Class
the day before Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Thomason...
Seriously the most amazing,
FUN, extra-miler SCIENCE teacher in the world!!

I LOVE your adorable Santa Claus
you made when just a young lad.
Complete with masking tape
for the puffy material on Santa's sleeves and hat!
Christmas at our house wouldn't be complete without it!
My piano playing buddy!
Card you made when we went and played
Christmas Songs at the Nursing Home!
Your Shadow...
Peek-a Boo...
I see you in the snow tunnel you built!

D.A.R.E Graduation
(I SPY...Ethan, Emma and Dallas)
Magellanic P. Spectrum the Third
("Speck" for short)

I LOVED watching your amazing talent
in the "Reach for the Stars" 5th grade Science play,

You like to laugh...
(like this photo that dad took of you at the "Maturation" day at school!
SPRING Choir Concert...
Your handouts we made for
Famous Person Day at school!
Emma and Ethan...
truly the BEST of friends!
I love, Love, LOVE these sweet photos
of you both interacting together!

We'll always remember your last field trip to the Museum...
the power went out, it was quite the adventure, but you and some of your friends were some of the lucky kids that got to enjoy a little bit of time on the merry-go-round!

Ethan and the VERY best 5th grade teacher a boy could ever have!!
Mrs. Truman

I love you my son!
Looking forward to getting back from my week long business trip and getting to enjoy more One-on-One time together before school starts!

I promise you we'll make sure to NOT
have you feeling second fiddle ever again!
Love, Hugs and Kisses!
This is the photo of a boy who is "Second-Fiddle"!
It's not that we've meant to do that...
It's not that we don't just absolutely LOVE and ADORE him!
However, older brother has pretty much been in the spotlight for the past 4 months
(Track meets, birthday, graduation, graduation party, gifts, Color in Motion run, Encampment, in the spotlight of every moment pretty much).
SO, today, I want to reflect on the many FUN, sweet and cherished moments I've had with him over the past year that I never want to forget!
This photo speaks JOY!
Ethan has so much energy and go power!
He's a "mini-Tracy" and every time I see his boundless energy in action, I think that I'm experiencing what it must have been like to be a mom to Tracy when he was young and that just has me where I can't wipe the smile off my face!
(Homemade Banana Creamsicles...
He's my little "Taster" letting me know if something I make is yummy or not! )
He's notices all of the little things;
like ladybugs and little water droplets on leaves
He's the hardest working kid I know.
He dug this entire trench all by himself.
Hours of digging in the hot sun!
This persistence will take him far in life!

This handsome boy with the cutest freckled face
is ready to head off to 5th Grade!

First field trip of 5th Grade..
The Museum of Idaho
It made my heart happy
that he BEGGED and wanted me to come and be a chaperone for the trip!
I'm sure it won't always be this way, but, I'm treasuring his excitement for having me in these special moments of his life greatly!
Next stop on the field trip...
swimming at the Aquatic Center
Ethan, Alex and Tyler...
such great friends!
I sure do love my Dorks...
Jade and Ethan
(dress up for school day)
80's day at school!
(you really ROCKED the stone washed jacket, pants and converse shoes, Ethan!)
My airplane loving boy noticed this cool sight
at one of Jade's Cross Country meets.
Poster we made for your special week at school!
Punk Rocker for Halloween
Ethan won the ribbons at the State Fair
for his Lewis and Clark booklet!
(His sweet teacher Mrs. Parker was SO impressed with it and she entered it into the State Fair without letting him know. His 5th grade teacher sent home this packet with him after the fair was over with all of his ribbons, certificates and even some money that we he won.
We were SO impressed!)
This was the bulletin board at the Middle School...
I love all of the positive words that the kids get to see everyday!
What an awesome FAUX-Hawk!
(and adorable freckles)
Dissecting Squids in Science Class
the day before Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Thomason...
Seriously the most amazing,
FUN, extra-miler SCIENCE teacher in the world!!
Awesome Student!
I think your dream and goal of becoming either a future doctor, or scientist is going to become a reality with how well your grades are in school!
5th Grade Choir Christmas Program

I LOVE your adorable Santa Claus
you made when just a young lad.
Complete with masking tape
for the puffy material on Santa's sleeves and hat!
Christmas at our house wouldn't be complete without it!
My piano playing buddy!
Christmas Songs at the Nursing Home!
Peek-a Boo...
I see you in the snow tunnel you built!
I've got love like an ocean"...

D.A.R.E Graduation
(I SPY...Ethan, Emma and Dallas)
Magellanic P. Spectrum the Third
("Speck" for short)

I LOVED watching your amazing talent
in the "Reach for the Stars" 5th grade Science play,

You give the best hugs!
You like to laugh...
(like this photo that dad took of you at the "Maturation" day at school!
SPRING Choir Concert...
Your handouts we made for
Famous Person Day at school!

truly the BEST of friends!
I love, Love, LOVE these sweet photos
of you both interacting together!
You have some AWESOME friends!
I think this was the most FUN day you had in 5th grade this year as all of you told about your Famous Person and what you learned about them! 
We'll always remember your last field trip to the Museum...
the power went out, it was quite the adventure, but you and some of your friends were some of the lucky kids that got to enjoy a little bit of time on the merry-go-round!

Ethan and the VERY best 5th grade teacher a boy could ever have!!
Mrs. Truman

I love you my son!
Looking forward to getting back from my week long business trip and getting to enjoy more One-on-One time together before school starts!

I promise you we'll make sure to NOT
have you feeling second fiddle ever again!
Love, Hugs and Kisses!