Reality set in this past week that you've been gone to Tennessee.
I've thought A LOT about the words that I heard from another mom...
I've thought A LOT about the words that I heard from another mom...
"Today I revel in the bittersweet passing of time,
thinking of all the mamas who let go one day at a time"!
(photo circa Summer 2003)
I can't believe my boys are all grown up!
It seems like just yesterday when this photo was taken.
and YOU are about ready to head out on your
first real journey and adventure in life without us!
First off, I just want to tell you how PROUD I am of you!
When I took you to school registration last week, I was just touched by how you were an advocate for yourself in making sure that you got your old locker back.
I had to snap this photo,
as it made me so PROUD to see you taking care of yourself and voicing your opinion.
That kind of persistence and attitude will take you far in life.
Remember this cool Monster's, Inc.
flower display we saw in Idaho Falls on your last day home?
It was pretty awesome!
Saying good-bye..
(photo circa Summer 2003)
I can't believe my boys are all grown up!
It seems like just yesterday when this photo was taken.
Now here you and Ethan are..
ages 19 and 11and YOU are about ready to head out on your
first real journey and adventure in life without us!
First off, I just want to tell you how PROUD I am of you!
When I took you to school registration last week, I was just touched by how you were an advocate for yourself in making sure that you got your old locker back.
I had to snap this photo,
as it made me so PROUD to see you taking care of yourself and voicing your opinion.
That kind of persistence and attitude will take you far in life.
Remember this cool Monster's, Inc.
flower display we saw in Idaho Falls on your last day home?
It was pretty awesome!
Saying good-bye..
Just thought you would enjoy seeing life at home while you've been gone.
I sure have LOVED the beautiful bouquet
that you brought home to me on your last day working at Susan's!
It has just brightened up our dining room table and every time I look at it I think about my sweet son Jade!
I took Ethan to register for 6th grade.
He was SO excited to get a locker and to meet his teacher!I made "Rolo Pencils" for my scouts and even extras to throw in dad and Ethan's lunch for the first day of school!
You'll never guessed what happened on Tuesday August 27th
(the day before school started).
There was a bad accident and it took down a power line.
I was really excited because I had made up pizza dough and cut up ingredients to make our Back to School pizza dinner.
HOWEVER, at 5:00 the power went out and was off until 9:30.
When dad got home, we decided to be adventurous,
since we didn't have power and couldn't cook in the house,
we fired up the grill,
rolled out the pizza dough and cooked it on the grill.
It seriously is the very BEST pizza we've ever had
(even better than Heise Pizza!)
This was our dinner...
Grilled Chicken and Bacon pizza
and bottled water from our food storage!
It was just perfect!
I wish so badly you could have been here for the best show ever.
After dinner, dad hooked up his iPhone to the speaker and we sat on the porch and listened to some music while the weather was windy and a little bit rainy.
We ended up getting to enjoy
the most beautiful rainbow and puffy clouds!
Here is the beauty...
(you would have loved it!)

(and I even got a "hippie photo" with the rainbow behind my butterfly wind chime)
we made a Vegetarian version the next day!
(ranch dressing, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, green onions and two kinds of cheese)
Can't wait to enjoy some with you when you get home!
First day of school 2013!
Dad and Ethan looked so handsome in their new shirts...
All of the kids were at the end of the lane
excited to get on the bus to start this year's school adventure!
And I'm back
teaching my PE kids and loving it!!
While I haven't missed you and Ethan
"pushing each other's buttons",
I have missed your LAUGH!
I've missed your funny sense of humor...
I've missed how much love and appreciation you show to us,
every. single. day!
As I made up your favorite cookies yesterday,
I just missed you SO much
and felt bad that summer was so hectic
that I didn't get any made until now.
Just know that there will be a batch of Double Chocolate Cookies waiting for you when you get home!
I wish so badly you could have been here for the best show ever.
After dinner, dad hooked up his iPhone to the speaker and we sat on the porch and listened to some music while the weather was windy and a little bit rainy.
We ended up getting to enjoy
the most beautiful rainbow and puffy clouds!
Here is the beauty...
(you would have loved it!)
(and I even got a "hippie photo" with the rainbow behind my butterfly wind chime)
We enjoyed our grilled pizza SO much, we made a Vegetarian version the next day!
(ranch dressing, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, green onions and two kinds of cheese)
Can't wait to enjoy some with you when you get home!
First day of school 2013!
Dad and Ethan looked so handsome in their new shirts...
All of the kids were at the end of the lane
excited to get on the bus to start this year's school adventure!
And I'm back
teaching my PE kids and loving it!!
While I haven't missed you and Ethan
"pushing each other's buttons",
I have missed your LAUGH!
I've missed your funny sense of humor...
I've missed how much love and appreciation you show to us,
every. single. day!
As I made up your favorite cookies yesterday,
I just missed you SO much
and felt bad that summer was so hectic
that I didn't get any made until now.
Just know that there will be a batch of Double Chocolate Cookies waiting for you when you get home!
My Sweet Jade Marshall,
with your smile that makes me melt...
The house is too quiet,
I've sure missed you and I can't wait to see you!
I've sure missed you and I can't wait to see you!
ENJOY the last part of your Tennessee trip to the fullest!
Until you return...
Hugs and Kisses!
Love Mom
Love Mom