this is my life at the moment...
Saturday, I had to work from 8-12 and came home to the most pleasant, happy home. My hubby and boys had done some major Spring cleaning. They had vacuumed the edges of the carpet, completely cleaned the kitchen including pulling out the stove and fridge and cleaning/vacuuming behind them and even mopped the kitchen floor.
They didn't want me to have to come home after working six days straight and have to worry about doing more work.
It was Heavenly and I felt SO spoiled!

Shortly after lunch, all I remember is that we got a Wild Hare and decided that once and for all we were going to get things in order so we can finally lay our hard wood (that we bought 3 years ago) and get it laid and finished in our kitchen/dining area.
this meant that everything out of our office and the kids rooms got moved out to our kitchen/dining area.
Our house looks like it "Blew Up"!!
Our plan...
To move our office furniture and computer, TV , sofa, wing back chair and beanbag into the room that the kids were sharing.
To move our kids into the room that used to be our office.
AND last of all to make it so you can come in any door in our house and make it to the bathroom/bedrooms on hard wood...
we will FINALLY have a large and spacious kitchen dining room that doesn't have our dining room table on carpet that can accommodate a large table that won't have a sofa in the way and we can actually have room to finally have the BIG Thanksgiving Feast at our house for a change!!
BTW...we do have BIG dreams of someday having a large TV/Game Room, Craft Room, Spare Bedroom/Exercise room in our unfinished basement, but to keep on track of meeting our financial goal of being Debt Free in under five years, we are opting to put our 12' x 14' bedroom to use in making it a TV/computer room and our smaller bedroom will house the boys twin beds just perfectly!
I'm excited to show the results of how it turns far I am really liking how we are using the space.
Actually, other than a few cans of paint, we aren't having to spend any money on this home improvement project. It is mostly just a creative arrangement of things we already have.
BTW...we do have BIG dreams of someday having a large TV/Game Room, Craft Room, Spare Bedroom/Exercise room in our unfinished basement, but to keep on track of meeting our financial goal of being Debt Free in under five years, we are opting to put our 12' x 14' bedroom to use in making it a TV/computer room and our smaller bedroom will house the boys twin beds just perfectly!
I'm excited to show the results of how it turns far I am really liking how we are using the space.
Actually, other than a few cans of paint, we aren't having to spend any money on this home improvement project. It is mostly just a creative arrangement of things we already have.

I can't believe how much stuff we have to go through.
Ethan has creatively stashed every little thing he has ever received and what is amazing is there are NO missing parts to any of his things and he has every instruction book for all of his Legos and Bionicles.
Looking forward to finally getting to rip up the carpet and start laying hard wood flooring!
SO, until Kimmie gets her house put back together again...

she will be taking a little break.
Tracy and Jade just walked in the door from Youth activities and informed me that our Home Teachers want to come by tomorrow evening to visit us!
Can't wait to be back to normal life of cooking, conversing with friends and Journaling about my life and seeing the FUN and exciting things that you are all doing as well!

Happy Easter
I hope this finds my friends and family happy and doing well and I look forward to catching up with all of you sometime the 2nd week of April.