Yosemite Part 2
"What a Wondrous thing
to spend time with family..."
make sure when you are going on a family outing that you double check that you have your makeup bag. I didn't realize I had forgot this until we were in Hawthorne Nevada and there were NO stores that I had the kind of make up colors I use, so needless to say this trip I was "Natural Kimmie"...thank goodness I at least had some lipstick stashed in my purse).
The beautiful drive up Tioga Pass!
to spend time with family..."
(note to self...)

Other than not having any make-up,
this was a fun and amazing family trip!
My sister-in-law Cheryl, called us a few months ago and told us she was wanted to do a surprise 30th birthday party for her hubby Travis (Tracy's Brother) and that he had always wanted to go to Yosemite and she thought it would be fun if we met them there and surprised Travis.
I'm amazed that she was able to pull it off
without Travis knowing, but it was a complete 100% surprise.
Tracy's parents surprised Travis Friday Night
and we surprised him Saturday morning.
The following are the photos
from our wonderful family summer trip to Yosemite!! (WARNING...another PHOTO overload. ALL OF THE PHOTOS ARE Clickable and as tempting as it to just scroll down,
you see amazing beauty by making them larger).
I went through over 500 photos to get the "best ones" to do our trip justice
So after 2 weeks of going through photos in my spare time and trying to collage them together, I finally can share our memories and hopefully this is enjoyable to read!
My sister-in-law Cheryl, called us a few months ago and told us she was wanted to do a surprise 30th birthday party for her hubby Travis (Tracy's Brother) and that he had always wanted to go to Yosemite and she thought it would be fun if we met them there and surprised Travis.
I'm amazed that she was able to pull it off
without Travis knowing, but it was a complete 100% surprise.
Tracy's parents surprised Travis Friday Night
and we surprised him Saturday morning.
The following are the photos
from our wonderful family summer trip to Yosemite!! (WARNING...another PHOTO overload. ALL OF THE PHOTOS ARE Clickable and as tempting as it to just scroll down,
you see amazing beauty by making them larger).
I went through over 500 photos to get the "best ones" to do our trip justice
So after 2 weeks of going through photos in my spare time and trying to collage them together, I finally can share our memories and hopefully this is enjoyable to read!

were peaceful and gorgeous
and what a fun novelty to enjoy SNOW in June!!

that looked like they would be really fun to ride a scooter on.

An absolutely gorgeous waterfall!!
Little did we know this was a "baby" waterfall
compared to the ones we were be seeing later on.
Little did we know this was a "baby" waterfall
compared to the ones we were be seeing later on.

of "El Capitan"...
you round the corner and WOW,
you are staring it right in the face!

he had noticed someone that looked like Ethan in the parking lot and sure enough we were waiting at the Yosemite Village area with a big surprise!! It just made his day! We then embarrassed him and sang "Happy Birthday" to him while we ate lunch and he blew out candles on a batch of Rice Krispy Treats we had brought!
He was sure a good sport!

we saw during our visit...
the bark textures especially enthralled me
as we don't have trees with this kind of bark where we live.

it was solid giant granite mountain
with this mossy ledge and tree growing out of the edge of it.

OOPS...looks like one of the kids were thrilled to find some asparagus! (wink)

of a traditional Native American shelter
and another unique tree with Cheryl!
I actually took an "Ansel Adams"
style of photo and it doesn't look too bad!
The mist around El Capitan was beautiful!
style of photo and it doesn't look too bad!
The mist around El Capitan was beautiful!

Since we had come in from the other entrance, we didn't know about this neat little rock arch that you drove through to get into the park.
This car is Clair, Josie,
Cheryl, Travis and Hudson driving through!!

(we forgot his hat and so he was wearing my hat.
He's just SO cute and growing up TOO fast!

REALLY...bathrooms way up high in the wilderness!
(I had never been to a place that had luxury so high up the mountain trail)

the moss covered rocks and lighting were PERFECT and I just really want a NICE family photo of us in that spot.
Oh well, maybe next time that will happen (wink)

the "John Muir Trail" and so he was excited
to hike a small section of it.

and thanks to Clair and Ethan they kept on hiking
until we were at the top!!

(at this point in the trail Clair, Ethan and Jade were way on up the trail
and we didn't know where they were (and no cell phone coverage)
and so Travis headed on back down to make sure Josie, Cheryl and Hudson were okay).

and so Tracy (being the cautious dad that he is)
got Ethan all hooked up with a harness to be safe on the Trek back down.

A tree root has broken the rock in half.
The power and force of nature is always something to behold.
I LOVE all of the bridges we had to cross!

Clair and Josie and Travis and Cheryl wanted to take our kids with them as they continued to enjoy more of California for the next 2 days and so we parted ways and they went West and we went East.

but we did see a bear cub that was about
50 yards from the edge of the road, just eating and playing in the grass.

and that we would be making the long drive back to Idaho the next morning and so we were SO happy to be able to come to a clearing in the forest and enjoy the last few minutes of this gorgeous sunset on our last night
All campgrounds were full in the park and we were SO exhausted we could barely stay awake to drive safely and so we pulled over to a pull out, laid our seats back, hopped in our sleeping bags and got some much needed rest.
The next morning when we awoke to such amazing beauty we just couldn't bear to not have ONE more day to enjoy it,
and so we "threw caution to the wind"
and seized the day!
(click here for part of the next days events)