March 24th to 30th
A change in hair color,
Chocolate dipped peanut butter eggs,
fun with bubbles,
washing winter grime off the cars
amazing sunsets
AND the first track meet of the year!!
Here is our week in photos...
We volunteered at the Jones House at Harriman Park!
(here to see photos and read about our adventure!)
(here to see photos and read about our adventure!)
Had lunch with Tracy by the river...
loved our view!!
Bye-Bye yellow haired girl....
I was NOT happy at all with the way my hairdresser colored my hair last week...
it was totally yellow and NOT what I paid for!
She had an opening this morning to color it.
I decided to gamble with going too dark...
LOVE the way it turned out!!
It's Easter Week....
and you know what that means?
Homemade Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Eggs!
Washed the WINTER Grime
off of all three of our cars!!
Sign of Spring and WARM weather....
Lots of kid riding bikes to school!
Beautiful sunset at the Greenbelt in Idaho Falls...
Bubble fun with the kids at lunch recess!
First Track Meet of the Season...
Oh how I love my son Jade!
Standing at the chain link fence,
watching my Jade run by!!
SO... Proud... Of... Him!!
Gorgeous Sunset Tracy and I enjoyed
as we headed in to town to get Pizza!
Shae and Max...
enjoying a fun morning at the annual Smith Easter Egg Hunt!
(here to see photos and read about this fun event)