January 6th - 12th
It was another
beautiful and wonderful week in January.
beautiful and wonderful week in January.
X... Marks the Spot!
(loved these contrails we saw on a pretty drive!)
(loved these contrails we saw on a pretty drive!)
I NEVER tire of sunrises...
especially in the winter!
especially in the winter!
SO glad I got to enjoy
this burst of color early in the morn,
this burst of color early in the morn,
because as soon as it was gone,
it turned grey and stayed grey and gloomy all day long!
I finally had time to grind wheat and bake bread!
I haven't made Honey Whole Wheat bread
since before Thanksgiving!
I forget how yummy and enjoyed
homemade bread is at our house.
homemade bread is at our house.
I had happy boys that pretty much
finished an entire loaf in one day!
finished an entire loaf in one day!
There's a freezing fog today...
everything is covered in ice and frozen snow.
When I looked out the window and noticed
icicles hanging underneath our trampoline,
I had to go and investigate...
this is what they looked like.
My Young Women girls made a
"Value Pizza" for our weekly activity!
(we served it on blue plates and served Grape Juice so all of the colors of the values were represented)
My Young Women girls made a
"Value Pizza" for our weekly activity!
(we served it on blue plates and served Grape Juice so all of the colors of the values were represented)
A sweet note given to me by one of my 2nd graders,
letting me know what we should be doing in PE today.
So sweet!
This is my every Wednesday...
Saucony shoes, whistle, black exercise pants,
in an old school gym!
I run laps, skip, hop, gallop, jump, slide, dance, dribble
and the list goes on as I teach kids PE skills and FUN
in grades K-5!
I Love this day of the week!
Icy and cold temps as
I did lunch recess duty on Thursday!
I did lunch recess duty on Thursday!
The way the snow had melted on our back stop looked SO cool when I got home from work!
It's amazing the beauty you can see this time of the year in the most unusual places...
if you just take the time to look!
This was how the snow
melted and froze in our drive way!
melted and froze in our drive way!
Ice my Ride...
When I went out to take care of the chickens, I noticed that the wheels of my son's bike were covered in a thick ice.
LOVE how this photo turned out!
BEAUTY at -17 degrees!
This is the window of our chicken coop, covered in frost with the windmill, blue sky and house in the reflection!
This is the window of our chicken coop, covered in frost with the windmill, blue sky and house in the reflection!
Even though I was sick,
I couldn't resist bundling up
and walking around the yard for 5 minutes
in the bitter cold -17 degrees....
SO glad that I did because it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
And beautiful tree branches were beautiful as well!!
Our week ended with Tracy and I coming down with the dreaded flu and spending the majority of Friday and Saturday in the tub trying to warm up and find relief.
It was miserable and the worst part of all, was pretty much leaving my kids to fend for themselves because I was doing good to sleep and rest to try and get feeling better.
I sure hope next week is better!
I couldn't resist bundling up
and walking around the yard for 5 minutes
in the bitter cold -17 degrees....
SO glad that I did because it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
And beautiful tree branches were beautiful as well!!
Our week ended with Tracy and I coming down with the dreaded flu and spending the majority of Friday and Saturday in the tub trying to warm up and find relief.
It was miserable and the worst part of all, was pretty much leaving my kids to fend for themselves because I was doing good to sleep and rest to try and get feeling better.
I sure hope next week is better!