You've gotta love School Spirit Week!
It's another few days of the year where you can be wild and crazy and add some COLOR and FUN to otherwise, ordinary and mundane life!
Ethan especially had a blast this year!
Coloring his hair green, purple, red and white!
Coolest MoHawk EVER!!
I Love that he had a matching shirt of a skull mohawk!
Ethan is such a good kid, that he was really stressed out
to wear that "wild" shirt, because he didn't want kids to think he was a bad boy.
It was HILARIOUS when he came home and he commented on
how many people told him that he looked awesome!
Red, White and Grey Day
for the Madison Bobacats!
CLASH day!
Awesome socks and Chaco-clad feet!
While the week was SO much fun,
we had a little bit of a downer as our Sweet Jade
had a bad seizure morning and ended up missing school
on the "Duck Dynasty" dress up day!
Seizures are NO fun at all!
Just grateful that we only have to deal with these days a few days out of the year!
The week ended with two Smith family parties...
One to celebrate the birthdays of our
Sweet Alyssa Joelle
and Full of life and energy Creed
Happy Birthday Alyssa!
Happy Birthday Creed!
Adorable boys ready to say the prayer!
Drayson, Creed and Bridger
Time to open presents!
The most exciting part of the family right now...
our sweet little Macie!
After 9baby boys born to the Smith family,
having a little girl is such novelty and is so much fun!
We celebrated with Sheldon and Shae as they blessed Macie.
This is one proud grandma Lisa, enjoying her sweet little bundle of Joy!
Great Grandparents Clair and Josie
and sweet little Macie!
Priceless, precious baby!
What a great week we had!
Such a contrast from crazy hair, to sweet baby blessings,
but I love how my life is full
of excitement and adventures of all kinds!
T-minus one day, until Tracy and I head for our 10 day adventure trip to California for our Depeche Mode Concert! I can hardly stand it!