Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kimmie in Real Life! (week 16)

This week was kind of a "catch-up" from the craziness of the previous weeks and SO, I don't have too much to share as we spent half of the week, eating sandwiches from leftover sandwich fixin's from the previous weekend, AND we enjoyed green smoothies for three different meals. 

Needless to say, it was a great week and now I am finally caught up on this thread of posts for a week.

Here are the food highlights! 
We were in absolute HEAVEN 
with these yummy apples we had to enjoy all week long!
I purchased an 20 pound box of Gala apples for $8.00.
WOW, these apples were freshly picked from the orchard they grew in and were crunchy, juicy and the best snack enjoyed all week long!
I just got some delicious apples from my neighbor as well that we will be enjoying for a few weeks.
I love when my kids are hungry and begging for a snack and we have an abundance of apples to cut up and enjoy!   They never tire of eating apples!
"An apple or two a day keeps the doctor away"!
YAY, we were SO excited to be able to enjoy some more Green Smoothie on three different days this week!
My family never tires of the yummy creations we put together.

This was a "throw together whatever you can find in the fridge/freezer smoothie.
These random ingredients were absolutely delicious together!
YES, when it's this time of the year, 
Zucchini Quiche, Casserole and Bread are enjoyed multiple times. 
Once harvest is over,
(other than enjoying zucchini bread and an occasional quiche through the winter),
we have to wait until next year to enjoy them again.
 I absolutely LOVE this muffin recipe
and I am hooked on adding in the ground flax seed and whole wheat flour as it makes a really hearty but moist muffin and the leftovers (if there are any), freeze well to pull out to add to lunches.
Such a yummy meal...
delicious corn on the cob from our neighbors garden,
juicy, ripe cantaloupe
and a delicious salad!
Everyone was thrilled when this was served for dinner!
 It had been a long week and I decided to surprise 
my hubby by making his favorite...
Definitely, a hit anytime they are made up!

It was a hectic Saturday
as I had to work and I came home to Tracy up to his eyeballs in projects
and so the quickest thing I could think of to throw together
was to whip up a batch of these tasty  
Buttermilk Biscuits
along with a smoothie!
Butter and fresh local honey spread atop these muffins were fantastic!!

 Along with the busyness of my week, I had 2 days where I did some canning.
I took some of my abundance of zucchini and bottled up some relish with a recipe that my sweet friend Tauna passed along to me.
Since we LOVE tuna sandwiches, this will be SO yummy to add some of this to our sandwich fixin's.
(post coming in a few weeks with canning info and canning recipes,
which this recipe will be included in that post)
I also took our garden tomatoes and
bottled up a batch of Tomato Soup.
This soup is AWESOME and we enjoy it all throughout the year, when we need something quick to eat, but I haven't planned something else.
I got this recipe from my sweet friend Connies' for the recipe

The only adjustments I made to it, were I adjusted the salt to 1/4 cup
and the sugar to 1-1/4 cup, other than that, I followed her recipe.
WOW, this tastes SO fresh and if you don't have time to make a pot of homemade soup,
this is the next best thing.
Serve it with some homemade breadsticks,
OR, grilled cheese sandwiches and it is a perfect meal!
Week of September 11th to 17th
Buttermilk Pancakes
Zucchini Casserole
Took leftover sandwich fixins' and made sandwiches for dinner

Steel Cut Oats
Sandwiches on Multi-Grain Bread, chips, string cheese, banana,
Zucchini Quiche, Green Smoothie
(made 2 batches of French bread and a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies to deliver to people that had done thoughtful things for us, like pick cherries off their cherry tree, and bringing us a large bag of FRESH raw almonds)

Steel Cut Oats
Sandwiches on homemade Hoagies, chips, grapes, string cheese, chocolate chip cookies
Leftover Zucchini Quiche, Green Smoothie
(made a batch of Zucchini Pickle Relish)

Huckleberry Muffins, Green Smoothie (I did CHATS at home from 7-9 and so I was able to be there to send my kids off to school!)
Sandwiches on homemade hoagies, chips, apple, Goodie Bars
Broccoli Slaw Salad, corn on the cob, cantaloupe

Steel Cut Oats
Broccoli Slaw Salad, muffins, apple, string cheese
(made a batch of French Bread for Jade to take to his Pasta Party for Cross Country)
(also made a batch of energy balls so Jade could have them for energy for his Cross Country meet on Friday) 
(spent all afternoon bottling up homemade tomato soup)
Since we had to drop Jade off at 6:00 to a party, take Ethan to Stake Pack Night at 6:30 our dinner consisted of Garlic Cheese toast and apple slices

Steel Cut Oats
Tracy (leftover tomato soup, bread and butter, apple, peanut butter balls)
Jade (school lunch since he had a cross country meet today, but he took string cheese, apple and peanut butter balls for energy before his run)
Kimmie and Ethan (tuna sandwich, string cheese, apple, peanut butter balls)
(made a batch of Snickerdoodles to surprise Tracy with, since these are his favorite)
Tracy decided to take us to Wendy's after Jades Cross Country run and we got Chili and baked potatoes

(I had to work from 8-12)
Tracy sent me out the door with fried eggs, toast and apple
He and the boys enjoyed this same breakfast as well
Lunch consisted of a yummy smoothie, Buttermilk Biscuits
We took the kids to town as Jade has worn out his running shoes and so we went to find him some new shoes. Tracy took us to get Pizza as a "we made it through a hectic week" celebration.

I'm SO grateful for the ABUNDANCE  
that I have in my life right now.
 An abundance of healthy, nourishing things to eat,
an abundance of clean drinking water and water to bathe in,
and abundance of clean, fresh air to breathe,
an abundance of health in my home,
and abundance of beauty that surrounds me,
an abundance of friends and family that love and care about me
an ABUNDANCE of love in my home 
with my three favorite people in the world...
Tracy, Jade & Ethan!
I am blessed beyond measure 
and just when I think that life can't get any better, 
it does! 
 Life is Oh, So Good!


  1. Kimberly you are so busy and get so much done you make my tired ache!
    I can't believe all of the canning you have done.

    You make those smoothies look so delicious. I am going to give a few of those a try. There are far too many days that I come home late and too worn out to do much. This would be a perfect dinner.

    It was so great to see you the other night. The eggs have been so appreciated. There is something about fresh brown eggs in the fridge that is so homey.

    I'm gleaning the last of the zucchini tomorrow and hope to get some relish done.

    You should feel so proud of everything you were able to accomplish this week! You are a superstar!

  2. Love all the recipes. I just might have to stop by more often.

    appreciate the links.
