Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh Happy Day!!

"It's my most favorite day...of the week"!!

Journal entry for Kimmie's remembrance.
Words can't express the JOY I feel
towards the most wonderful man I know...
My hubby "Mr Smith"!

It's just a few hours away from being Friday...
my most favorite day of the week
What does that mean
it means I get to get all gussied up and go out on a DATE with the love of my life!
There are 3 things I look forward to more than anything...
(in order of occurrence during the day or week)
coming home each afternoon and having my Notebook opened on the counter with a little love note from Mr. Smith. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't come home to this joyous sight!
Head over heels in love is what I am!

These little "notebooks" are truly my treasures.
To know the thoughts and feelings of my hubby to me and the joy and appreciation that he so willing expresses. I truly am the luckiest girl on planet earth!

The second looked forward to time of the day is having us all home safe and sound and enjoying family time together.

The third looked forward to time of the week is...

I am always SO excited to go on our dates...we get to talk, dream, walk hand in hand, laugh LOTS, enjoy reading books and magazines, enjoy a little treat and listen to music as loud and crazy or mellow and quiet as we like.
Mr. Smith is always surprising me by purchasing songs from iTunes that we have never heard that he really likes (he listens to various Internet radio stations at work and is always discovering new music)

I just LOVE this song that he purchased recently. It is by a UK band MUSE... titled "Uprising"
Everytime I hear this song I get SO excited and can't help but be happy and dance around and think of the JOY of hearing this for the first time
enjoying a Friday night date with Mr. Smith.

With "New Moon"
(the movie from the Twilight Series) coming out this weekend a lot of my girlfriends are picking sides; team Edward or team Jacob?
For Kimmie, it's 100% team Tracy!

Here's to Friday Night Dates!


  1. Have a blast on your date tonight! I gotta agree with you about the Team....
    The shows are OK, but I'm 100% with you........well not me about Tracy.
    I'm 100% Team Howie!
    Love your Notebook, that's going to be a treasure forever!

  2. What a treasure your notebook is! You and Tracy will always be close if you continue your date nights! Such an upbeat post!
    My son, who works at the local theater, has decided he doesn't like Twilight at all! He had to work the midnight showing last night and has decided everyone is CRAZY! I think you chose your team wisely!
    Have a glorious weekend and a super fun time tonight on your date!

  3. HOW SWEET! Talk about a true "love story." You two are writing yours in your notebook! LOVE IT.

    Have a good time tonight with your husband.

    And I'm with you....Friday's are one of my favorite days. LOVE THEM! It's the end of the week, and I get a couple days at home. Next week is a short week. WOOT! WOOT!

    Have a great day.

  4. What??? You aren't on team Jacob with Mom???? So cool you guys never miss a date night.

  5. Oh I loved all the sweet notes! What a fun tradition...I think you are LUCKY!...and so is MR. SMITH!

  6. I have told you this before.. but LOVE-LOVE the notebooks. That is such a great treasure!

    LOVE-LOVE MUSE! They were introduced to me on the Twilight soundtrack.. and they are back on the New Moon one! Love them.. and this song!! :)

    You really need to read the books. It's a great thing.. not bad for your marriage. Of course I'm Team Chad.. Tha TEam Edward is the type of man I believe every man should be.... Romantic.. unselfish.. Loyal.. and the list goes on and on.. really... it's all just fun.

    I'm telling you.. read the boks together. Chad loved them.. and it made for some extra romance.. :)
