Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Gift of Time!

"Time is the coin of your life.

It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you".
~Carl Sandburg

A few weeks ago one of Tracy's friends on Facebook made the following status update:
"The phrase “spend our time” is very apropos. Time is a spendable currency. The accounts into which we deposit time get stronger. Individuals and activities that we spend the most time with, ultimately get our loyalty, devotion and love. Everything, other than time, is counterfeit. Are we budgeting and spending wisely?"
I got to thinking this past few weeks about something that happened that I didn't handle the way I wished I would have, when Ethan came and tugged on my shirt and showed me the following picture.
"Mom, I want to show you my drawing"
and how do you think I responded...
"I'm busy right now, but I will look at it later, Okay? I promise"!

As I heard his sigh and then "okay" as he walked away I had a pain in my heart and couldn't stand to see his disappointment. I immediately sensed this and said...
"Hey buddy, I'd love to see your drawing come tell about what you have drawn".

His face lit up and he proceeded to talk for what seemed like 30 minutes about every detail of his drawing (only it was only 5 minutes)

I witnessed Ethan approach Tracy and get a similar response.
It made me really stop and ponder about life. This is a hectic time of the year and are all of the so called "obligations" we are doing taking us away from giving the one on one attention to our children that they so desperately need?

do our children get "brushed off" time and time again and we never quite get around to sitting and looking at that drawing, playing a quick game, throwing a ball, reading a story, etc...?

OR, even though it is MUCH easier for us to do a project ourselves, are we taking time to let them help and be part of the project
(even if it doesn't turn out quite how we'd like it to).
I'm learning each day that TIME is one of the greatest gifts we can give to others, especially our family and one must remember and keep the perspective that the TIME we spend on family means THEY are the ones getting our loyalty, devotion and love!
So, during the hustle and bustle
of the holiday season fast approaching, with church and community obligations, dinner dates, shopping to do, programs to watch, decorations to put up, baking, baking and more baking, I hope to have it be more instinctive to give 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there to make sure I'm there for all of the little moments that really add up to the BIG moments in Tracy, Jade and Ethan's lives!!

Sometimes it's easy to do things to "impress others" and to want others (neighbors, co-workers) to think you are neat, or creative, etc...
Friends are wonderful
and I cherish my friendships greatly, but in the end....
it all boils down to FAMILY... They
are the people that I want to impress and think I'm cool, FUN and wonderful and love what I created. etc....
Family truly is who will be there by your side through the thick and thin and it is truly where JOY and HAPPINESS abundantly abound.
If only we take the time daily to nurture and feed the things that really matter most in life!
Time spent with Family,
truly is one of life's most cherished gifts!
Be in the moment!


  1. I love my family. It truly is the greatest thing on this Earth.

  2. I agree with you 100%!
    I have always been SO AWARE that kids grow fast and that you only have a small window of time with them while they are growing!
    I am so happy that Kurke and I have been the kind of parents that have been there 100% for each other and 100% for our kids in everything they do.
    I have heard different parents comment that they hate their kids activities (sports, scouts, whatever...) because it takes away from their own personal time. WHAT?
    I always think they are missing out on enjoying those things with their kids and helping them and cheering them on.
    Spending time together, enjoying each others company, playing, laughing, talking and most especially listening (I'm big on people listening!) are what makes the difference in relationships!
    Little things like Ethan's picture are such a BIG thing to them.
    I loved looking at Ethan's picture too because it kind of gives you an insight into what he is thinking. Trent is a big artist also!
    Great post! You are a good mom Kimmie and I love the pictures of you and Tracy playing "horsey" with your boys - So cute!

  3. Very appropriate! Loved your thoughts. You are always so insightful.

    Before you know it they are gone....sniffle....
    There are times I wish I could have that "time" back that I ache. I would love to do some things differently.

    Have a great week.

  4. I love what you shared with Ethan. I know I brush off things more than I should.. so this is a good reminder... just for me.

    I loved all of the pictures. I know how much joy your family brings to you.. and I love that you declare it.. and document it for all to see!

    When you said you were going to be busy baking.. my mouth watered a little. ha-ha.. :)

    PS: About my blog post.. I am not mad. I love that we are friends despite the fact that we don't have LOTS in commen. If you can get past my brutal honesty.. we'll always be good. :) I think your great!! XO

  5. I was thinking about this exact same thing this week. I doesn't matter that I'm a single woman for my children... they can have the most wonderful life too - if I give them my time, listen to them, play games with them... Just like the movie "Up"... it's the little things in life that really matter.

    If we all encouraged each other a little more, thanked them, praised them, loved them and spend more time with them.... life couldn't get any better.

    I believe it is all in your happy attitude and thankful heart that makes life what it is suppose to be. Not all the money in the world can compete with a loving family who spends time together.

  6. What a great post! We do have a tendency to put our family on the back burner when things get hectic. Great reminder. It's so fun to see your husband interact with the boys. You guys are great parents and have a fantastic family! Thanks for all the positive vibes you send our way!

  7. You are right on the mark! I think back to when my boys were toddlers and think did I do all I could do with them? I try to make everyday count some of course are better than others. They just grow up to fast.

  8. Kimmie, you are so sweet! You are NOT sarcastic at all (for me it's a form of creative expression)
    Anyway, that's why I love your blog, you are totally sweet.
    Ya, we are here for the holiday. ALL of the family will be chaos, noise and confusion. Should be a blast!
