Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A twist on an old favorite!

Oh the memories of Childhood...
(circa 1981)
I was the oldest child of six kids
and my parents had a dry-farm that was 40 miles away from where we lived and so from Monday-Saturday most weeks of the summer were spent at the farm, helping with the crops and animals, cleaning the house and most important, making sure the hard working men had a YUMMY meal to eat each afternoon.

Our main meal during the summer was at NOON.
(the evening meal consisted of bottled fruit and bread, sandwiches, or something light).

I remember vividly, helping my mom in the kitchen preparing the Noon-time meal. The thing that stuck with me the most was when she would make up Hamburger Gravy. She would brown up hamburger with chopped onions and garlic powder, add in flour and milk and boil and simmer and the serve it over a plate of mashed potatoes.
It was SO yummy and yet SO easy
and I always marveled at that.
Basic ingredients that tasted SO good when made into this tasty dish.
A few years ago
I came across an article on replacing cauliflower for mashed potatoes and so I made up hamburger gravy served over lightly steamed cauliflower and it was SO delicious and a big hit with my family.

We have
a local store (WINCO) where quite often you can get a whole head of cauliflower for .98 to $1.48 each and I buy plenty of cauliflower and make up this tasty meal.

I always have HAPPY kids
and hubby when this meal is fixed!

Hamburger Gravy
1 pound
ground beef

1 large
onion chopped

1-1/4 tsp.
granulated garlic

1/2 cup

2-1/2 cups
Salt and pepper to taste

ground beef and chopped onion until meat is no longer pink.

Add in granulated garlic and flour and coat meat well.
Then add in milk
and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat
and simmer for 30-45 minutes.

Serve over our family favorite...CAULIFLOWER

(or you can do the old fashioned way of serving it over mashed potatoes).
Any way you serve it, it will be delicious!


  1. First! Just trying to beat Cherie!
    Now I'll go back and read.

  2. That was a good reminder of what I used to make back in the day when my better half and I lived on a dairy farm. I made this a lot cause it would fill him up and he loved it.
    Sheesh, we were on the dairy farm about the same time you were in the picture and just in grade school or something.
    Sheesh, I feel old now. Gotta go take my Centrum Silver.

  3. HEY....I'm not a day late, or the 19th comment!!

    Love-Love hamburger gravy. But had never thought of serving it over cauliflower. I think it sounds delicious!

    You worked hard in the summer helping with the dry farm. Running a dry farm takes allot of time and energy. And cooking all the meals was most likely harder than the work outside. My son worked for a pig farm one year, and they fed the hired hands. There's always something to do! But you learn the value of hard work, and obviously HOW TO COOK!

    Hope you are enjoying your week. Next week is a short week at work! WOOT! WOOT!

  4. I am the oldest of 6 kids as well! (TWINS!)

    I LOVE-LOVE cauliflower. Especially cooked. It's so good for you too ( you already know that ).. but I have never had HAMBURGER gravy. It looks easy-peasy and if you say it's good.. I trust you!

    I will have to try it soon.. :)
    Happy weekend! XO

    PS: Are your kids sick? I hope not.. and Thank you for still keeping us in your prayers. Please tell Jade especially. What a good kid. Hearing that he is praying for our family brings tears to my eyes.. seiously. XO

  5. Tauna's comment...ha ha

    I love Cauliflower and never thought of putting hamburger gravy over it. It sounds absolutely delish to me. I am going to have to try it one night and see what the boys think.
    I usually just eat cauliflower raw so I will also go to the extra work of cooking it...just for you... Ha Ha Just kidding.
    It looks like a great recipe!!

    I also SO love your Brady Bunch picture at the top. You are such a cute girl - I love looking back at the old styles and hair do's!

    Have a GREAT weekend Kimmie!
