Monday, April 13, 2009

Choose thy Love...Love thy choice!

19-1/2 years ago
I laid my eyes on the most handsome man ever! Tracy and I had a class together at Rick’s College and little did we know we would end up dating and marrying.

It’s funny how life works out. I had a secret crush on Tracy and always made sure I had fresh gum in my mouth, fresh lipstick on and a little bit of perfume on when I went to class each day!
Well, we ended up being in the same ward and we also worked together in our ward callings helping with the music in our ward. Tracy was pretty shy (although he hasn’t been shy fact, I'm the SHY one in our marriage) and so I actually was the one that took him on our first date. I needed a date for a holiday work party and didn’t feel confident asking anyone I knew, but for some reason Tracy was in the right place at the right time and Tracy ended up being the person I took for my date to my party, I had to work at my job during the holidays in Rexburg, which left me all alone at Rick’s college during the holidays and when Tracy found out about this he invited me to attend his parents ward with him during the holidays, which was our second date and the rest was history and we continued dating, fell in love and were married on
April 12, 1990!

I can honestly say it’s been the best 19 years of my life
and I have no regrets and truly the highlight of my day is when my sweetie comes home and I get to be with him!
I look forward to that big hug and kiss
I get from him every night after a long days work!!
(And my favorite of all...he makes me LAUGH!)

I never get sick of him and if we were both stranded on a desert island with nobody else, that would be perfectly fine with me. He is my everything
the first person I want to see each morning,
the person I want to hear from in the middle of the day
and the last person I want to see before I go to bed each night.
He is the love of my life
and I can say we are still NEWLYWEDS
and head over heels in love with each other!!
Engagement photo we had on our invitations!
Happily Married couple outside the Logan Temple!
This is a hilarious photo...
our photographer handed us this bag and snapped the photo and said:
"I always like to get a photo of the newlyweds in "the sack" on their wedding day"!
He was definitely an interesting photographer!
This is a wedding collage
I made showcasing our wedding invitation, napkin, hanky and also my favorite wedding quote that I cross-stitched:
"If I could capture
a moment out of time
Preserve it in a crystal cube
and place it on a shelf
for easy view.
I'd choose the white serenity
and tingling, quiet joy,
of reaching over crocheted lace,
and clasping hands
Eternally with YOU"!

This photo breaks my heart...
we were college students our first anniversary and there just wasn't much money and also this was before the days of Wal-Mart and so for our anniversary I cross-stitched a Logan Temple, had a trail of "Kisses" leading to the bedroom and made Tracy a homemade from scratch corn tortilla in the shape of a bunny with homemade refried beans, covered in lettuce, with cheese slices for the whiskers, and sour cream, cheese and hot sauce for the eyes and mouth.
It's pretty sad, but it is a wonderful memory!
Our first year of marriage I cross-stitched this saying and it has been my motto:
IChose my Love” and I very much “Love and adore my Choice”!
A very sweet note my hubby left for me on Friday in my "Notebook"!
I Cherish my Love Letters that I get almost daily from my sweetie and I am looking forward to MANY more years together!!
(I'm also looking forward to our anniversary celebration
going to our DEPECHE MODE concert in August!)


  1. What a sweet, heartfelt post; it sounds like you are truly blessed with a wonderful marriage. I love meeting someone new and peeking into their life...thanks so much for your nice comment on my Depeche post...they take me back to such a fun time and I STILL love them. You will love their concert--I saw them in Pasadena at the Rose Bowl in 1988 then two years ago out here in DC. They are awesome.. I'm so glad you get to go! Thanks again! Hope to k.i.t. ; )

  2. I totally love looking at wedding pictures, the then and now.
    You have such a great story and your wedding pictures are wonderful.
    The one with the sack just made me laugh - that photographer was definately enjoying his job!! ha ha
    Happy Anniversary to a great couple!!

    I can tell from your words and your hubbys note that you two are still madly in love and that is a wonderful thing - Oh Yeah!!!

  3. So fun to see the old pictures of you both!! I seriously love how much you love each other...

    I was telling Chad.. it's funny how almost 10 years ago I thought I loved him alot.. But there is soooo much more love for him now than ever before!!

    I think your first anniversary is soo cute! :)

  4. Oh my, what a sweet breathtaking love story. I am absolutly enchanted by that quote of "Choose thy love...Love thy choice"

    I giggled when you said you made sure to wear lipstick, perfume and gum breath before each class. Totally something I would do.

    Alas though, I'm just waiting for that right guy at the right time.
    As they say..."someday" right? LOL

    I envy the fact that you can crochet. I tried a few times in Young Women but never could get the hang of it!

    Again, beautiful post and story! Thanks for sharing and i hope you had a great anniversary!!!!

  5. Crazy, I just posted about my anniversary and then came to check out your blog and you have an anniversary post too--Yours is way more mushy though, very sweet! I remember being there watching you guys get your engagement photos taken! I thought you were so pretty and remember loving how you and Tracy dressed. I am glad you scanned in those photos, they are hilarious! Fun getting to see you guys Saturday!

  6. Very sweet post my luv-ah. I especially love all the flattering pics of me in my really big glasses with my curly hair all blow-dried as straight as I could get it and the wonderful white tux with the mauve tie! LOL!!!

    You are the love of my life. Thanks for being my best friend forever!
