Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oatmeal Cookie Dough + M&M's = Yummy!!

 I can't believe it is the first week of April...
the year is definitely flying by faster than I would like it to!  I'm excited to finally have my entry shelf decorated with Easter/Spring decor.

'Tis the week of coloring eggs, 
 enjoying the sunshine and walks around the block, 
and LONGER days with more sun at the end of the day.  
It's noticing 
 the trees starting to leaf/bud, 
tulips/perennials starting to sprout, 
enjoying the music of the birds chirping 
and the excitement of planning what you're going to plant in your garden.
I LOVE spring time SO much!

 While I don't make fancy Easter Treats,  
or amazing things like you see in the world of Pinterest,  
I do usually buy a holiday bag of M&M's and add them to my Oatmeal Cookie Dough to add some festiveness to spring time!
They always are a hit every time we make them up!
M&M's are a treat that doesn't grace our home too often, so to get to enjoy them in cookies is a welcome sight to my hubby and kids! 
(that is, if we can keep Ethan from devouring the bag 
before it gets made into cookies!)

Oatmeal Cookies
1 cube REAL butter (1/2 cup)
½ cup white sugar
½ cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cups unbleached flour
½ teaspoon soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup Old Fashioned Oats (enough to make a nice dough)
(add in your choice of chocolate chips, chocolate/butterscotch chips mixed, M&M’s, raisins, or Gumdrops cut into little pieces)

Cream together sugar and butter.
Add egg, vanilla, salt and soda.
Then add flour and oatmeal.
Then add in your choice of chocolate chips, M&M’s, raisins or gumdrops.  (about 1 cup of whatever you choose)
Mix well
Roll into balls and put on greased cookie sheet. (if dough is a little sticky, roll into balls and then put in the fridge to chill for 3-4 minutes before baking)
Bake in 375 degree oven for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned.
The way to get a truly dense and rich cookie, is when you remove the cookies from the cookie sheet, and put them to cool is to "Smash" them down.
(see original post about this here
Happy Easter Week!
I hope it's full of everything that brings 
JOY to you and your family 
at this wonderful time of the year! 


  1. I can never make good oatmeal cookies. I have tried recipe after recipe and they are always an epic fail! That doesn't stop me from trying though! Maybe your recipe will be the one that finally works for me!!! :)
    I'm eagerly waiting for my crab apple tree to blossom. Any day now, any day!
    Happy Easter~ Happy Spring!

  2. Happy Easter to you and your family as well.
    Love your decor.

    Yes, the longer days and mild weather are such a welcome blessing.
