Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just in time for Easter...

Friday April 6th, was a perfect afternoon...
I had the whole day with my sweetie 
and we decided instead of purchasing treats 
from the store for Easter, we would make our own.

We decided that 
homemade Peanut Butter Eggs, dipped in DARK chocolate  would be the perfect treat for our peanut butter loving kids.
Since the filling is quite rich
and we really aren't milk chocolate lovers, 
we melted up our 60% Cacao dark chocolate chips...
they turned out SO yummy, 
much yummier than anything you could purchase at the store 

AND it made up 36 chocolate covered eggs 
(which were actually a little bit larger than the Reese's Eggs you purchase).
 WOW, we are hooked on homemade and these are so gourmet, you could wrap them up in cellophane and present them as a treat to family and friends! 

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Eggs
2 packages of graham crackers finely crushed (18 sheets) (3 cups total) 
2 cups peanut butter
12 Tbsp. melted butter (1-1/2 cubes)
3 cups powdered sugar
3 cups dark chocolate chips (melted)
1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
Colored Sprinkles

Take graham crackers and finely crush them.
Put in mixer and add in melted butter, peanut butter and powdered sugar and mix well.
Roll dough into small circles and then shape into egg shapes.
Put on cookie sheet lined with waxed paper
Chill in freezer until firm 
Melt dark chocolate with coconut oil (I just do this in a double boiler on my stove)
Dip firm eggs in melted chocolate, coat well and remove with fork 
Put on waxed paper and top with colored sprinkles.
Let harden in a cool place.  
Store in rubbermaid container in a cool place until ready to serve
Enjoy some homemade 
yummyness today!


  1. Yummy! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to remember this for next Easter time...or maybe sooner :)

  2. Kimmie those look absolutely decadent!
    I hope you and Tracy and the boys have a wonderful Easter!

  3. Your family is so lucky! I need to try this some year. Looks delicious!

  4. Happy Easter! These look absolutely delicious, but I'll tell you this right now, I'M NOT MAKING THESE! I would eat every one of them. However the your last post. Making those for sure. Have a great day.
