Friday, February 3, 2012

Groundhog day was PERFECT!!

I can't believe it was Groundhog day again!  
It seems like we were just celebrating this FUN day! (here)

I have to say that from start to finish, 
Groundhog day 2012 was PERFECT 
and full of many LITTLE moments  
that are the ones that make life so BIG!!  

...It started out with getting exercise as I got to enjoy the "Earth Gym" as I shoveled the snow off our driveway!
...we had a wonderful visit with Ethan's teacher at Parent Teacher Conference. 
 He is excelling SO much and she even told us that he is a leader in his class and kids look up to him. It was such a great feeling knowing your kids  are on the right track and doing well in life!
...The sun filled our home with such cool shadows,
...we had another amazing sunset AND I got to enjoy a walk with my sweetie around our block, holding hands, laughing and talking while we enjoyed the sunset until it was no longer there
...We enjoyed the yummiest BUTTERNUT SQUASH casserole for dinner (here)
and had more Chocolate Marshmallow cookies for dessert! (here)

AND, our favorite...
we got all cozy on our sectional and watched "Groundhog Day" 
and had SO many great laughs together as a family!

Happy February!!
Looking forward to one of my favorite months of the year 
because of all of the LOVE,  
Romance, hearts, Valentines, 
and PINK and RED colors that are SO abundant..

1 comment:

  1. Your hair is super cute. Did you cut it different? Maybe it is just straighter. I really like it. What a beautiful sunset. Glad you enjoyed your day.
