Thursday, November 3, 2011

Warm up with some Spiced Cider!

that month of the year where there is a "Crisp" in the air, 
where after lots of hard work preserving the harvest, 
life slows down and days are more calm 
and there is time to reflect on how greatly blessed we are,
and to pause and give thanks for all of the many wonderful things we have in our lives.

To celebrate this wonderful month of gratitude and Thanksgiving, 
I thought I would start all of my posts out 
stating things I am grateful for.

Today I am grateful for...
 I love the sun that shines in my kitchen and dining room windows.  
I love how it brightens up the room and warms those who sit in her light. 
I love sitting in the sun and sipping on something warm and making my daily lists, or reading a book, or just sitting and pondering and reflecting how abundantly blessed I am.

I am grateful for...
 mugs of Warm Spiced Cider that I can wrap my hands around and feel the warmth and then sip the warmth. 
I am grateful for my senses of  smell, taste and feel...
that I can smell the wonderful cinnamon fragrance that permeates the house
and makes it smell "heavenly" when spiced cider is simmering,
feel the warmth as I hold onto the mug with my hands and as I put the mug to my lips 
and taste the amazing blend of apple, orange and spices. 

Spiced Cider  
(definitely one of our family's Fall Time favorites!)

1 gallon unsweetened apple juice (I buy the 3 quart bottles of unsweetened apple juice)
1 orange sliced
whole cloves
cinnamon sticks
Bring apple juice to a boil on the stove.
Pour in crock pot and then put in
1 large cinnamon stick
1 orange sliced with 2 to 3 cloves studded in each orange slice
Cook in crock-pot on low for 2-3 hours.  (remove oranges and cinnamon sticks after 2-3 hours so it doesn't get bitter)   Enjoy!

Make up a batch today to warm up 
and enjoy these crisp fall days and take a few moments to reflect on the many simple pleasures that bring joy to your life!

"The unthankful heart... 
discovers no mercies; 
but let the thankful heart sweep through the day 
and, as the magnet finds the iron, 
so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings"!
~Henry Ward Beecher

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all your awesome recipes!
    "Quick & Easy Pasta Salad" has been a big yummy! :)
