Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Oh the FUN we had on Halloween!

 I'm saddened as this most FUN day of the year is over!!
I've never had SO much fun on Halloween and never have I seen more excitement in my kids than this year.

 Our weekend started off with 
our annual Halloween Concert at BYU-Idaho 
 and they performed music from Indiana Jones. 
Ethan was THRILLED as Indiana Jones has always been a favorite in his life. 
Two years ago he wanted a Fedora for Christmas...that is all he wanted. 
He was ecstatic to be able to go in costume to the concert and he even pulled out his MAPS he had made a few years ago and put them in his satchel. 

It was priceless seeing his excitement and
getting to enjoy Symphony Orchestra music as family. 

The excitement of kids is something we 
ALL should have more of in our lives!
 I love the art that kids make in school.  
Ethan brought home the most ADORABLE skeleton he had made using his name written in cursive...it was SO clever and cute and the face reminded me of one of my favorite Halloween characters..."Jack Skellington"!
Love the teeth he drew on the face.

Halloween day 
was the HAPPIEST day ever!
I LOVE Halloween...
its the ONE day of the year where you can dress UP and be ugly, scary, or crazy and it's okay!!

I had the most excited boys 
and all I heard out of Ethan's mouth all afternoon was 
"I can't wait until Jade gets home so I can do my makeup and hair like "Frankenstein"!!
I thought I was going to go CRAZY as I had two hours of Ethan saying this until Jade walked in the door. 

Such EASY costumes to throw together... 
took old pants and cut them jagged at the bottom,
stitched on patches,  
made vests out of burlap, which was worn over flannel shirts 
(the kids embellished them with FAKE spiders)
cut the fingers off knit gloves
and the make-up was SO much fun to do and here is how it all looked like when we put it together.
 (Tracy painted my eyes with butterflies, SO I tried to dress the part...I can definitely tell I'm "40 something" looking at these photos...my face is not as young, smooth and supple as it used to be)

After having FUN taking photos, we headed off to the house of some of our good friends to enjoy Homemade Chili and  Homemade donuts!
After 12 years of doing this, it has become another yearly tradition that we look forward to!
NOW off to be scared 
at the famous Haunted Mill (here)
Priceless moment #1... how Ethan had to keep looking scary and walking around the house and everywhere we went like a zombie.
Priceless moment #2... Jade did his own makeup and hair and did a pretty awesome and amazing job!! 
Priceless moment #3... how Ethan looks up to Jade SO much and wanted to do his makeup and hair just like his brother
Priceless moment #4... how Ethan had to keep checking his makeup every five minutes to see how he looked and to keep touching it up.
Priceless moment #5... how Ethan introduced himself to others...
"Hi, I'm "Frankie-Stein" and this is "Freaky-Stein"
Priceless moment #6... how both of our kids got scared at the Haunted Mill and were found clenching our hands when they were scared.
Priceless moment #7... that Ethan woke up this morning and said:
"That was the BEST Halloween ever"!
BTW...Jade is already planning out and talking LOTS about  NEXT years costume and makeup and wants to be a ZOMBIE!
(I think it's going to be a LONG year until next years Halloween)

Savoring the sweetness and EXCITEMENT of my sweet little monsters...not wanting to wish one moment of time away as they are growing much faster than I want them to!!

I sure do love my monsters...  
Frankie and Freaky!
Thanks for all of the fun and joy 
you abundantly fill my life with!


  1. You really did look cute! Loved Jade's awesome make up job. You are such a great mom to do all that for your family to make such sweet memories!

    Everything looked wonderful. It was great to see you and say hi.

    Uh.....I think I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday.....I think you might have celebrated one recently did you not?

  2. What a great Halloween indeed!
    I love his Indiana and Freaky stein costumes.. so cute!!

    That Old Mill looks so cool. We used to have one here in Utah.. but I think they tore it down.. because of the real ghosts and hauntings that were happening....

    Makes me sad.

    You are always a great example of "enjoying every moment!"

    Thanks for all of your kind comments on my blog over the weekend. You have been missed! :)

  3. Oh my gosh - They look amazing!!! Those are the best Frankie-Stein and Freaky-Stein costumes I have ever seen!!
    I also love your tradition of the Halloween concert at BYU-I - that is so neat and I wish they did that other places!!

    You guys really know how to have fun - Boo!!!

  4. Isn't funny what we see that others dont! When I saw your pictures I thought "Wow - Kimmie looks so young and great!" The boys costumes look awesome too. I love it when families have such great friendships between each other. What's the secret?

  5. Love the kids costumes!!! And ethan's skeleton art is pretty neat too!!!
