Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kimmie in Real Life! (week 17)

I forgot what it is like to have a somewhat "normal life", with cooking dinner every night. 

It was SO fun to be back spending lots of time in my kitchen cooking yummy things for my family to eat.
As I type this
I am down to my last 5 gallon bucket of flour, I have 7 cubes of butter left, 10 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of cheese and a few dollops of sour cream, AND PLENTY of all of the other staples we use on a daily basis, so I will definitely make it 2 more weeks without doing any shopping,  
I don't know if I will make it without running out of paper towels, or gallon Zip-loc bags. 

 I have been enjoying this challenge SO much 
and I think it's going to feel a little weird 
to actually be able to go out and shop and buy things again!  

Here are the food highlights from our week!
I made these up using POWDERED milk.
I put 1/8 cup dry milk powder and 1 cup water in my Vita-Mix and blended it together.
I then added in the rest of the ingredients and blended for 30 seconds and we had a PERFECT batch of Oven Pancakes to enjoy for breakfast!
I think I'll be making these with powdered milk from now on!
If I were to think of one of my favorite meals
(other than SALAD, or Lentil Stew), it would have to be this yummy fresh, Tomato Soup.
So nourishing, delicious and comforting and PERFECT served with your choice of bread sticks!

BOTH of these Bread Sticks are a hit at our house!
SO fun to have enough leftover soup the next day to make up a different style
of Bread Sticks the next day.
You don't have to worry about serving leftovers, 
when you have a yummy bread to serve with it!
I found this recipe when Jade was just a youngster,
when I went to a Women's Conference and I attended a class entitled... 
"Feed Me Right, I'm Yours"! 
Fun, yummy recipes to disguise things to get your kids to eat them!
My kids enjoy these LOTS and loved that there were leftovers to enjoy in their lunches the next day at school.
When it's the first week of Autumn, 
you know that this yummy meal will grace our dinner table!

We had a frost and it killed our precious squash/pumpkin plants, but we had this lone pumpkin and pulled it and let it sit in front of the window of our sliding glass door to finish ripening and it was perfect for our yearly tradition!!

If you have access to pumpkins or Sweet Meat Squash, you should try making this up to add a little bit of FUN to family dinner time during this wonderful Autumn time of the year!
YES, apple pie also graces our table 
to be enjoyed after our "Dinner in a pumpkin"!
Ethan commented that the way we scooped the homemade ice cream on top of the pie, looks like a "Storm Troopers" head from the Star Wars movie.

LOTS of delicious garden produce
sauteed together, filled inside homemade tortillas and sauce made the most tasty and savory Veggie Enchiladas!
Love this recipe and the FUN memories it brings with it!
Fresh Apples and Pears that were 
shared with us from our neighbors abundance.
WOW, pure heaven is what we were in 
when we got to enjoy these yummy things this week!
If I were to think of a specific meal that is our favorite, 
 it would hands down be this delicious and savory Beef Stew, served over a bed of mashed potatoes!
Jade especially enjoys this!!
This is what you call "Man Food"! 
I love that you can take somewhat "tough" stew meat, make this yummy stew and then put it in the crock pot for a few hours on low and it tenderizes the meat and makes it SO tender that it falls apart in your mouth!
I found out on two occasions this week that when you freeze extras,
they ALWAYS come in handy on days,
when you have a lot going on,
thus was the case when I made up some Lemon Bread and French Bread a few weeks ago.
I didn't have time to make treats or cookies and I was wondering what I could add to our lunches and so I looked in my freezer and had a loaf of Lemon Bread and pulled it out, cut it up and we such a yummy treat in our lunches.
This is on Tracy's TOP 5 list of favorite treats that I make up!
We had to go on 10 mile hike with the Scouts on Saturday and we got back from Jade's Cross Country meet on Friday night around 10:00 and there was no time at all to bake bread, so thank goodness I had a loaf of French Bread I could pull out of the freezer...
I scrambled up some of our eggs from our chickens
and these were PERFECT for lunch on our hike!

Saturday morning I baked up a batch of Raisin Cookies while we were getting our backpacks packed so we would have something yummy for energy on the trail.

This one recipe is SO versatile, delicious and ALWAYS a hit.
It is definitely a yummy, frugal thing to make for trail bars,
rather than buy pricey Odwalla or CLIF bars.

I'm so grateful to have kids that eat whatever is baked up...
it's amazing that my sweet nine-year old, LOVES Raisin Oatmeal Cookie! 

Some of the apples we were given were really SOFT
and were more of a cooking apple and not a eating apple.  
SO, I boiled them up, pulled out my strainer and turned them into applesauce.
Heated them on the stove and added in a little cinnamon and some raw honey and let simmer 5-10 minutes and put the applesauce in containers for lunches and used the remaining applesauce to make Applesauce Muffins!
 It is SO much fun being creative
with all of our abundance of produce that we have going on this time of year,
and making sure none of it goes to waste!
September 11th to 17th
Oven pancakes, sliced apples
Fresh Tomato Soup, Yummy Bread sticks 

Steel Cut Oats
Granola Cereal with milk, carrot sticks, apple and string cheese
Leftover Tomato Soup and Bread sticks (made a batch of Bread Sticks/Pretzels)
Raisin Bars

Steel Cut Oats
Tracy...leftover soup, bread sticks, boiled egg, apple, and raisin bars
Jade...Granola Cereal with milk, bread stick, apple, raisin bars
Ethan and Kimmie...boiled egg, bread sticks, apple, raisin bars
Celebrated the first week of Fall with...Meal in a Pumpkin
My neighbor brought us over an Apple Pie for tending her animals for her while they were on vacation...we baked it up along with some homemade ice cream

Steel Cut Oats
Lunch for all of us...Leftover meal in a pumpkin, apple, lemon bread
Homemade Enchiladas, (made up tortillas, added in leftovers from last night)
Made an apple pie for my family and we made up another batch of homemade ice cream

Steel Cut Oats
Tracy, Jade and I leftover enchiladas, apple, lemon bread
Ethan went on a field trip to Craters of the Moon and took tortilla rolled up with ham/veggies, string cheese, apple, chips, lemon bread
Beef Stew served over mashed potatoes...truly our family's very favorite meal! 

Steel Cut Oats
Jade Leftover Beef Stew and apple (took peanut butter balls/string cheese for energy for his cross country run)
Ethan boiled egg, apple, string cheese, peanut butter ball, chips
Tracy and I met in town and had lunch at Taco Time (since we won't be getting a date since we will be attending Jades cross country meet in Blackfoot)
Went and watched Jade run at his Cross Country meet in Blackfoot and then took the kids and enjoyed Western Lemon Chicken at New Hong Kong since it was Pay Day (we usually treat the kids to dinner when it is Pay Day)  

(woke up and made a batch of Raisin Oatmeal cookies for our hike)
ZOOM cereal for breakfast
pulled French Bread from freezer and made up scrambled egg sandwiches for our hike, also took apples, string cheese cookies and chips
Wonderful 12.4 mile hike with the Scouts
The leaders bought the kids Square Ice Cream cones on our drive home

Links to recipes used this week:
Yummy Bread Sticks
Bread Sticks/Pretzels
French Bread
Oven Pancakes
Garden Fresh Tomato Soup
Meal in a Pumpkin
Beef Stew over mashed potatoes
Homemade Tortillas
Veggie Enchiladas
Raisin Bars
Lemon Bread
Apple Pie
Peanut Butter Energy Balls
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

SO grateful to be blessed with the BEST kids in the world!
They never complain about what we eat, 
 and I hear "thank you for the yummy lunch"
every day of my life from my kids, when they walk in the door and greet me after a long day at school.
Even when they get sent with Potato Salad, fruit and a muffin for lunch, they never complain and if it is a hectic morning and there is only an option to have a Tuna Sandwich on a homemade biscuit for lunch, or to eat school lunch, they ALWAYS want to take a lunch from home.
Can life get any better than that?!?  

I love my wonderful life
and I'm so grateful to have a home, 
where Gratitude & Love are in abundance!


  1. We call Oven Pancakes (german pancakes) "Hootenannies" around here (wink!) or "Hoots" for short!
    They are delish - good idea to use powdered milk!!

    I received a very AWESOME package in the mail - It was such a joy to get some happy mail with so many wonderful goodies and welcome messages!! You are the best!! We are all enjoying it :-D

    Hope you are enjoying your Conference weekend!! {{HUGS}} to you my friend!!

    Love ya - Cherie

  2. Kimmie,
    How did I miss all your posts these past few weeks? I need to spend more time on the computer! :)Actually I do need to spend more time right here on your site. Your posts are so inspiring and I don't have to buy any cook books when I come here. Your recipes are the best around! I know I've said it before and I'll say it again. You truly are amazing!!
    I love that Tracy writes you such sweet love notes. It's good to know you're appreciated.
    I can understand why your sweet kids tell you thanks for the lunch. They've got to have the best lunches at the school.

    Thanks so much for inspiring me. You're a real friend to post about your knowledge and expertise in the area of being prepared, cooking, loving your family, and doing your best.

  3. Wow, Kimmie! You are truly an amazing cook! You can tell you love it! I want to try the beef stew over mashed potatoes! I know you are modest but your food looks perfect!! And I am not kidding, it is beautiful! No wonder your kids never complain about what you make them, I wouldn't either. You are such an inspiration! This post has made me super hungry! I am seriously going to go eat now!
