Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflections of my week...

One kind act...
it's the little things that make the biggest difference! 
Busy, Busy, BUSY past week
but, I wanted to pause for a moment and reflect on some sweet things I experienced this past week for memories sake.  
 Reflections of my week…
Sunday April 17, 2011…
I was busy cleaning up the breakfast dishes and 
listening to the beautiful music of “Consider the Lilies”
when the phone rang. It was my mother-in-law Josie and she wanted to speak with me.   She asked if they could stop by for 5 or 10 minutes that morning before we headed off to church as she wanted to give something to me.
She had been out and about shopping during the week and knows I love to cook and love to blog and dropped by with the sweetest note and   
Spring Egg Platter.
Who would have known that something out of the blue thing,
could bring so much JOY to my day and my week!
I reflected on those sweet, kind words she wrote to me all week long and  
I was reminded yet again, 
how kind words and 
letting others know you care
are priceless treasures!

I had SO much fun 
filling up the egg shapes and surprising my kids with an afternoon snack for them to enjoy.
Ethan was SO excited to eat deviled eggs and read his book in the sunshine!

Thursday April 21, 2011…
So I was standing in my kitchen, whipping up a batch of rolls (as I noticed that we didn’t have any leftovers or bread that I could make lunches for us for the next’s days lunches)  and looking less than desirable in my lovely old clothes stained in paint, as we have been scurrying for the past week, painting shelves, hanging things on the wall and trying to get more projects done on our home as we are hosting the Smith Family’s annual Easter Egg hunt this year.
I had my sweetie come and whisper the following in my ear…
“Do you want to know something, 
if you were my only friend in the whole world, 
I would be okay with that”!  

Those sweet kind words greatly touched my heart, to know that I am 
adored and loved
even when life is sometimes less than perfect.
 Saturday April 23, 2011
We were in charge of the annual Smith Easter Egg was SO much fun having everyone over and the little kids just made our day with all of their excitement!
We enjoyed baked ham, fresh fruit and all the fixin's.  
The only sad thing was, Tracy was busy cutting up ham and visiting with everyone, and I was so busy making sure people were greeted when they came and talking to them and then hiding eggs, after the morning dew burned off that I only took this handful of photos in the collage below.  (I would have taken more of the kids finding eggs, but I was having SO much fun, helping them find the eggs, that my camera got set aside and forgotten about until it was too late)  :-(
Oh well, at least I have these.   
Next time I am in charge of an event, I am going to put someone in charge of my camera to make sure plenty of photos are taken.

Life is Wonderful,
Life is Good,
and each day I remember
how beautiful a day can be
when kindness touches it!


  1. My goodness, Kimmie! Where have I been? I've missed many of your amazing posts! I've just reviewed them and need to print a couple of recipes!
    Your home is beautiful! How nice to host the Easter egg hunt. The few pictures you did take are priceless.
    You're a very fortunate daughter in law to have such wonderful parents-in-law. But then why wouldn't they love you?
    Love the picture of Nathan reading and eating the eggs. He is such a cutie!
    I hope you have a great week.

  2. Looks like you guys are coming along on lots of house projects. I am looking at the pics trying to figure out what and where everything is. Where is the nice new closet space? Looks great. Sorry we missed the egg hunt. Looked great! Maybe one year we will try to be there for Easter. Hoping to be there for Labor Day this year. It will be great to visit while the weather is nice and maybe we can enjoy a family bbq.

  3. What a sweet gesture of your MIL to post you such a sweet note and bring such a cute dish! -- I do agree with what she said 100%.. as I have to say.. some of my hardest days have been made much brighter because of you.. and your thoughtfulness.

    I am amazed at all of the WONDERFUL things you have done to your home. The office/closet is awesome!!! I can imagine how crazy it has been cooking..organizing.. and home improving all together! I can get overwhelmed just organizing.. so I think you guys are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

    Love the Easter invites..
    Love the pictures of Ethan.

    You know what? If I pay too much attention to getting photos.. then it seems like I'm missing out.
    You almost need someone else to be a photographer while your hosting and playing.. :)

    Grateful you enjoyed your weekend.. Love ya.

  4. Your pictures all look bright and happy Ms. Kimmie!! It's OK not to get many that just means you were enjoying yourself and everyone around you which is the way it should be!
    It looks like you had a glorious day and fun with family!! The invites are sooo darn cute - what a wonderful tradition!!

  5. It looks like you had such a great time! I love your pictures and the words you use. What great memories you are making for all of your family.
    Love the invites.

    I LOVE your egg plate.

    Darling family my friend!
