Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Old Fashioned Cookies!

I probably sound like a broken record, 
but I absolutely LOVE having little kids in the house. 
I love all of their ZEST and excitement for life 
and their willingness to try new things!

This sweet little boy 
 came home last weekend from a Primary activity (local church congregation children's activity). It was all about the Easter Story and they also had a fun scripture cookie sheet  for us to look up scriptures as a family and fill in the blanks to find out the ingredients to make the cookies.  
Ethan gave our Family Home Evening last week and we enjoyed these yummy cookies after our lesson. 

They are a VERY hearty cookie and SO delicious. 
I bet these would also make great cookies to take hiking!

Under the photo of the cookies shown below are the scripture verses
and if you highlight them (including the helpful tips), 
click "file" and then "print" and then "selection"and then "OK"
you can print this out and enjoy doing the activity and then making the cookies.  
 SO much fun for kids! 

SO good and definitely a favorite that we made a second batch and will definitely be making again in the future!
  These remind me of cookies that a grandma would make and they make A LOT of cookies (about 3 dozen).  

Old Fashioned Cookies
(aka Scripture Cookies) 

* 3/4 cup    “The words of his mouth were smoother than __________” 
(Psalms 55:21)
* 1/3 cup    “Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy _________and honey”  
(2 Nephi 26:25)
* 1-1/2 cups    “To what purpose cometh there to me….the __________   __________ from a far country?”  (Jeremiah 6:20)
*   “As one gathereth ___________  that are left, I have gathered all the earth".
(Isaiah 10:14)
* 2 cups    “And Solomon’s provision for one day was thirty measures of fine ___________”  (1 Kings 4:22)
* 1 tsp.    “Take thou also unto thee principal spices…and of sweet _________ half so much”  (Exodus 30:23)
* 1 tsp.   “Ye are the _________ of the earth” (Matthew 5:13)
* 1/2 tsp.  “The kingdom of heaven is like unto __________”
(Matthew 13:33)
* 3 cups     “Nevertheless…__________for the horse” (D&C 89:17)
* 1 cup    “And they gave him….two clusters of __________” 
(1 Samuel 30:12)

Beat first four ingredients together
Mix in remaining ingredients. 
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. 
Bake 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

HELPFUL TIP...I also added in Vanilla, 
I used 3/4 cup brown sugar, 3/4 cup white sugar
the "leaven" is "baking soda" 
and I added in 1/2 cup chocolate chips and 1/2 cup raisins 
and also some chopped walnuts. 

Enjoy having a little family FUN 
and also baking up a 
yummy treat together as well!


  1. I had forgotten about these! We have done them several times over the years - they are a great FHE treat as they go with many lessons.

    Ethan looks so cute baking - my Trent loves to cook and bake also and I think their future wives are going to love that fact (wink!).

    This just goes to show that there are so many ways to incorporate fun and creativity into family life!!

  2. Great recipe and what a fun FHE!

  3. I forgot about these as well!
    This is soo much fun.. and I love that they are healthy!

    Now.. I want a cookie. :)

    Have a happy weekend!

  4. Great post.
    I love the recipe. I hadn't seen that before.

    Ethan is getting big!

    Hope you have a fabulous Easter weekend.
