Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wonderful Memories of Lemon Bread!

 I LOVE anything citrus...
Lemons, limes, oranges they are all WONDERFULLY yummy to me,
from the sweet, juicy taste of oranges,
to the FRESH and tart taste of lemons and limes.

This past week I took a stroll  (or rather a drive in an old Land Cruiser) 
down memory lane, when I made up Lemon Bread!

We have been friends with the Godfrey's since 1994 when they bought our Toyota Land Cruiser from us when we were pregnant with Jade. 
(we then later bought it back from them as Christian knew how much Tracy loved that Land Cruiser and he found a Land Cruiser of his own to buy and enjoy).

  We went on MANY adventures 
in our Land Cruisers together.  

Heading to the hills to get Christmas trees, 
traversing the rugged Reclamation Road (that runs between Ashton, Idaho and Flagg Ranch, Wyoming) and then driving down to Jackson Hole to enjoy the 4th of July festivities there.  
Heading off to the mountains to enjoy the beautiful scenery and picnics. The Godfreys had a Getaway Cabin that we went and spent time at on many an occasion.   We would even follow them up to the cabin when they took their snow-machines up there in the Fall-time so they could enjoy snow-machining during the winter months (or in bringing the snow-machines home in the spring-time like in the above photo)
We had many FUN memories together...
 but time marches on, you have children, you get busy with work, hobbies and family life and even though you live in the same town, you sometimes only communicate with a quick email or phone call here and there, but there is ALWAYS a constant...the yearly Christmas letter to "Catch up" and see how kids have grown, what everyone has been up to, etc...

New Years Eve 2011 
we ran into Christian and Kathy at Wal-Mart and had fun reminiscing about the "Good-ole" days.
A few weeks ago 
we got a phone call from them inviting us to go to dinner with them.  We had a great time catching up and enjoying delicious food at Cafe Rio and great conversation!  
(Kimmie, Jade & Tracy...Circa 1996)
This FUN trip 
 to spend the night in the Getaway cabin and then wake up and hit the trail to go snow-maching/sledding was when I first made up this recipe. I had made two batches and took one two loaves of Lemon bread with fresh fruit, boiled eggs and yogurt for us all to enjoy for breakfast before heading out for winter-time FUN!

Yes, Citrus is definitely a part of our lives and SO many of our favorite recipes are made from  
fresh lemons, limes and oranges

 Yummy things made 
from fresh citrus at the Smith House 

HERE is how easy it is  
to make this delicious bread, that is the perfect accompaniment to Hot Cocoa or Herbal Tea, great to serve with fresh fruit/yogurt for "Brunch, or just the perfect snack to enjoy in the lunches we each take to work and school each day.
Lemon Bread    
2/3 cup butter
1-3/4 cup sugar
3 Tablespoon lemon extract
3 cups unbleached flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup milk
4 eggs
2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped nuts (I use walnuts)
1 grated lemon rind
Combine all ingredients.  
Mix well.  
Pour into 2 well greased loaf pans and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. 
(or until toothpick inserted in comes out clean).  
Cool on rack for 10 minutes.   
Then drizzle with ¼ cup lemon juice and 1 ½ cups powdered sugar.    
I always keep it stored in the refrigerator. 
This bread freezes well 

Absolutely delicious 
and a family favorite for over 15 years! 

Here's to many more years of WONDERFUL 
memories with family and friends!


  1. Isn't it amazing the way smells, music AND FOOD can bring back memories of good times!
    As you know I do not love fruit but my husband loves citrus and especially lemons so to make him happy I love to make him citrus type foods - He would love this bread!!

    Thanks for the sweet e-mail my friend. It made my day! Things have been soooo hectic and my head is spinning that I feel like I have not had time to connect with friends lately. You definately brightened up my Saturday!!

  2. Oh my goodness!!!
    We love the Godfrey's!
    Howard and Christian served in a bishopric together.
    Awesome people.

    Fun time to get away!

    Love the pictures of your citrusy lemony goodness.
    Truely amazing woman YOU!

    It's so awesome that you have so many wonderful pictures of your kids from the time they were little. It's crazy at how fast they grow!

  3. Lemon bread is so good! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Food really does bring back memories. You have some fun pictures of your memories.

  4. We are twins in this area.
    I LOVE-LOVE citrus stuff. I love tart and sour stuff.. so I am always on the lookout for yummy recipes! This bread looks very simple and good.. so I will for sure try it!

    I am LOVING the "claw" bangs on you.. that I once sported as well. I wonder how many cans of Aqua net I used in a month? lol!

  5. Kimmie! Even though I havent met you I just want to say I love, love, love reading your blog. Your love for your family and life just brings sunshine into my day! Thank you for being so uniquely you! Oh and you know, all those yummy recipes you post are a big bonus too!! :) Sending lots of love from AZ!
    --Rachel Burner
