Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A day like no other!

Valentine's Day 

First off, I have to express gratitude that Tracy and I both have jobs that allow us to be there for our kids when they are sick.   
Tracy and I were both able to work our schedules to work 1/2 day these past 2 days so one of us was always with Ethan as he was sick with the flu.  

It's funny how life works out. 
Our Valentine's Day went much differently than it was planned, but it was wonderful nonetheless.  Now to tell about...
"A day like no other"! 
Little did I know when I woke up 
on February 14th that my day would consist of everything CHOCOLATE!

Our morning started off 
by boxing up Valentine Treats to take to school for the yearly Valentine Exchange.  Ethan was SO excited for Valentine's Day and SO excited for his party. 

I got all gussied up in my Red/Pink shirt to be festive for the day.  

Tracy gave me a big hug and kiss before I left for work and told me that he would be waiting to pick me up after work and take me to lunch for Valentine's Day.
However, around 10:00 Tracy got a phone call from Ethan who was feeling VERY sick (nausea, fever, aches all over).  
When I walked outside after work and Tracy wasn't there, I figured he was dealing with work problems and couldn't make it.

I called him on my way home and he said that he was actually home with a sick son...Ethan.
Tracy spent his morning  
taking care of Ethan and in between that, he surprised me by putting my vinyl lettering on the board he painted this past weekend and had it hanging on the wall when I came home. 
He is SO sweet and is ALWAYS doing the most thoughtful things for me!

"The fondest memories are made when 
gathered around the table"

Ethan had fallen asleep and so we decided that we probably couldn't go and have lunch in Rexburg and so we took advantage that "Big Jud's" is just 2 blocks from our house and we went and enjoyed a yummy burger for our Valentine's lunch.

We came home and enjoyed the beautiful sun shining so brightly in our windows and since Ethan was sleeping on the couch we decided we would enjoy a nice afternoon FOAM bath together.  Tracy had given me a packet of "Aroma Therapy sensual FOAM Bath...Cinnamon Ylang Ylang" for Christmas and we decided to try it out.  It was SO nice to enjoy the peaceful, quiet house and be able to talk and enjoy each other without interruptions!
It was a PERFECT afternoon with my sweetie!!

(although, I felt SO sad that Ethan had to miss out on the FUN with his school class).

Ethan woke up about an hour later, wondering where his parents were and came wandering into the bathroom as the bubbles from our foam bath were about ready to fall over the edge of the tub. He couldn't believe that our bubbles were SO big that he ran and grabbed his camera and snapped this photo!!  He kept commenting on how BIG the bubbles were.  He could care less about the fact that we were taking a bath...kids are so innocent.
 This photo below just cracks me up!! 
During our soak in the tub, the water was SO hot and steamy that it made my hair an absolute sweaty mess and so I hopped up and went and showered off and washed my hair and I had no more than gotten out of the shower, dried off, put on clothes and started to dry my hair when there was knock at the door and Jade yelled to me 
"Mom, your friend Tauna is here".
I couldn't believe how my afternoon had gone. This was the ONLY day in my life that I can think of that at 4:30 in the afternoon I was just hopping out of the shower.  
I was with no make up, wet hair and an extremely red face as it was like a sauna in the tub.
 My sweet friend Tauna 
had drove all the way to my house from Rexburg to drop off the most AMAZING plate of chocolates that I have ever seen and there was the sweetest note ever: 

  "You 2 are the 
cutest lovebirds ever! 
Happy Valentine's Day. Tauna"

Later that evening we enjoyed Chocolate Covered Strawberries for dessert with our kids and I commented to Tracy about our afternoon adventure and said I don't think I've looked more ugly in my life and one of my great friends stopped by and saw me that way.  
Tracy said:
"That's the wonderful thing about true friends...
they like you no matter how you look".

We enjoyed sampling all of the different chocolate treats (chocolate cinnamon bears, Haystacks, chocolate covered pretzel hearts and molded chocolate hearts) that were on the plate all afternoon and after we put the kids in bed we got cuddly on the couch and enjoyed some more chocolates along with  mugs of HOT chocolate and watched one of our FAVORITE movies  
This truly is one of the best shows I have ever watched as it has so many great metaphors for life that we can all learn from!   Vianne (played by Juliette Binoche) is one of the sweetest, non-judgmental people ever. 
The world would be a better place 
if there were more people like her.

The rest of our Valentine's Day is a little to private to talk about here (I mean it was Lover's day), but needless to say it was a Perfect day from beginning to end! (big smile!)

"All I really need is love, 
but a little chocolate now and then 
doesn't hurt"!  
~Charles Schulz


  1. is it any wonder that the rest of your day shouldn't be shared here [*cough*cough*]...considering how steamy your afternoon was and all the chocolate you consumed that night! :D love you guys.
    p.s. as soon as i saw that white on the lovely little brown note, i just KNEW tauna'd paid you a visit! she's THE best!!!

  2. Hahahahaha *cough cough** "wink wink" -
    oh my gosh I just Love you Kimmie!
    So happy you had a great Valentines Day and hope Ethan is feeling better!!

  3. That Tauna is one sweet lady! You are so lucky that she doesn't live very far from you.
    Your Valentine day sounded like the best day ever! You are one blessed girl.
    I loved your Pink cookie recipe. They were a big hit and I to them to my V/T sisters and my kids loved them too. Thank you for sharing your recipe.
    Smiles for a great day.

  4. Sounds like you had a steamy Valentine's Day! I love that Ethan took the picture! You're the greatest!

    Tauna's pretty great too! What a nice surprise!

    Have a great day. I hope Ethan's feeling better!

  5. Oh my heck!!! I didn't know I would be interrupting the "steamy" bubbles! Tell Tracy I am very sorry.

    I still can't believe you are so freaked out about your hair. You looked absolutely .....glowing shall we say?
    I was right though...you two arenthe cutest lovebirds ever.

    It was fun to see Jade and Ethan!

  6. Tauna, your timing was exactly PERFECT!

  7. What a fun post! -- It had me smiling! -- Well.. all but Ethan getting sick. :(
    Poor little guy! There should be some written rule that you CANT be sick on holidays!

    I WISH I could reach through the screen and eat those chocolates.. but my bum does not. hahaha! I know first hand how delectable those are... and that is truly a Happy treat indeed!!!

    Isn't Tauna the best??

    It has been SUCH A treat to hear from you on my blog lately... I LOVE your long comments.. because they are always happy and kind.. and I can hear your voice in them.. like we have chatted for the day.

    I am trying to keep up with blogging.. and commenting.. but somedays it's hard as I am Organizing for other people much of my days lately.. and I have had a sick family as well. -- If you don't always hear from me.. I will try to catch up.. but sometimes that's overwhelming as well...

    I hope that your family is spared with Ethans sickness. Mine has "shared" it.. and it's not fun!
    Thank goodness for a long weekend to lay and watch movies!!!

    Love ya... hope you have a happy weekend!
