Thursday, August 13, 2009

When life hands you Brown Bananas!!

Ahh, Bananas...
the wonderful fruit that always gets devoured at my house by my kids as fast as I buy them.
That is,
until we leave for a weekend getaway in the summer when it's hot and forget we had bananas in the pantry and we come home and they are all browned.

What does that mean...BANANA BREAD!!
What a yummy treat we were able to make up
when we came home and discovered this pleasant surprise this summer!
(this hardly ever happens and so it is something we savor very much)

I LOVE this helpful tip
that I learned over 7 years ago with using snack size applesauce containers/oil in making my sweet bread recipes!
It makes the moistest bread everytime!!
Banana Bread
3 eggs
¾ cup sugar
½ cup oil
½ cup applesauce
2 tsp. Vanilla
3 cups mashed banana (or however much banana you have)

Mix together 6 ingredients above

In Separate bowl mix together:
3 cups flour
1 tsp. Soda
1 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp baking powder

Slowly add dry ingredients to wet ingredients.
Grease two loaf tins.
Pour mix into tins.
Bake at 370* for 45 minutes. (or until toothpick inserted in comes out clean)

(THIS bread freezes well and is great to pull out of the freezer and slice up, add in an apple, string cheese or boiled egg and some carrot sticks and you have a yummy lunch)

ENJOY the moment
when "Life hands you Brown bananas"!


  1. Yum! I love my recipe - but I think I'll have to try yours out. I always love your recipes. I love the applesauce idea in this bread recipe too. You are soooo healthy - I love it!

  2. Yummy! I love banana bread.. I also don't mind some brown ones in my smoothies...

    I am a almost green banana girl.. I like them not the least bit brown.. so we have to eat them up fast.... which doesn't always happen.

    PS: If I send you a copy of twilight, would you read it? My friend read it with her husband out loud every night.. These books only ADD to your romance... trust me!

  3. I totally agree with you on that! We love when bananas go bad!
    I am so glad that things are going well with Jade! I am really sorry to hear about what happened! You can tell that there is someone watching out for you and your family!

  4. Looks like a good recipe, I'll have to give it a try. I bought some snack size applesauce just to give this a try....even though I have jars and jars and jars of canned applesauce from last year!

  5. I love banana bread. My secret ingrediant is 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Makes it oh so good. I saw another blog that had chocolate banana bread. I sometimes buy my banana's on the virge of turning bad just make banana bread.

  6. I love banana bread and your recipe sounds yummy! We're having an open house Sunday after church and I think that banana bread would be a great addition to the other food we'll have! I do have lots of applesauce so I'll try it with that! Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Oh boy. Now you've done it! I LOVE like "eat it like a mad woman" Banna Bread! ! !
    If only I had seen this earlier:(
    Today "was" my day off and now it's flown by and could have made this. least tried in my ever so humble cooking abilities LOL

    Saturday though...Banna bread baby!

    Oh and umm I FULLY support with Ann the "you must try and read twilight" Pleassssse???????

  8. OH YUM!!! My husband actually makes better banana bread then I do. Maybe I should surprise him with a loaf, using your recipe.

    Sometimes I can't even get to the brown bananas, so I just pop them in the freezer until I can.

    Thanks for sharing!!!!!
    Have a great day.

  9. Banana bread is so good. I like to make Chocolate Chip banana bread!
    I love your post title - hee hee!

  10. WAIT.....HOLD ON......REWIND......
    I just read Ann Marie's comment!

    What the GreEnBeaN?????? You have not read Twilight????

    Girl we need to talk - Seriously!!!!!

  11. Okay...I just saw Cherie's last comment and busted out loud

    "what the greenbean" will now be now phrase!

    I made that banna bread or tried hehe...nah it turned out great! The cooking angels must hath been with me LOL
