Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday!

"In the midst of our lives,
we need to find the magic
that makes our souls soar!"

(my photos are clickable)
North Fork Cascade Canyon 2007

This was another one of those photos that when I uploaded it I noticed that a bird had flown into the photo as I was taking it.
the pink wildflowers
that we see on our backpacking trips and the day I took this photo it was SO gorgeous with the Tetons in the background that I had to capture the beauty.
(once we hike out the only thing we have to remember our wonderful adventures are our photos--my photos are my priceless treasures).

I'm grateful for a blogging friend

CHERIE (from Bakow Babble)
who has given some wonderful Blogging tutorials,
because I am actually off on our yearly backpacking trip
and was able to "delay post" this in the middle of the week
to post on Sunday. I LOVE this option. Thanks!

(Paintbrush Divide 2007
these photos are hiking up Paintbrush Divide and the photo from my quote is the view that we saw as we were hiking down the other side of the mountain.)

Anyway, today I am doing what this quote says....
"The magic that makes my soul soar",
backpacking with my family in the Grand Teton/Jedidiah Smith Wilderness area and enjoying the most breathtaking scenery and knowing that we got here by putting "one foot in front of the other" and that we have everything on our backs (shelter, food, preparedness) to spend 3 wonderful days enjoying the peace and solitiude that only being in the high country can bring.
Somehow, over 7 years ago we started our backpacking adventures and it has gotten into my blood and I just LOVE it...
I can't get enough of it and
I treasure every moment we get to do this,
which isn't enough.

(This photo was also taken the same day
that the photo from my quote was taken...

We are up enjoying the "Art of God"
in all of it's magnanimous beauty...from the rugged mountains that are the background for our hike, to the rocky cliffs, desert terrain, lush forests, babbling creeks, waterfalls, wild flowers, wildlife, perfect starry nights and most of all PEACE and STILLNESS and a break from the noise of everyday life.
I'm enjoying
getting my "batteries re-charged" by being up in the mountains with the most beautiful and wonderful views!!

(Paintbrush Divide 2007)
If you don't climb the mountain...
you can't see the view!!

I hope we can all find our true passion in life
and really take time to...
"find the
MAGIC that makes our souls soar"!

(whatever that may be!)


  1. I can't wait to hear about your trip - the pictures are gorgeous - love the pink flowers. Being out in nature truly is rejuvenating. Hope you had fun and that it wasn't too cold. (it was pretty chilly here.) :)

  2. Kimmie, I just ADORE this quote and the fact that your on a trip that makes your soul soar.

    Let me repeat...

    I wrote it down and right into my quote book it went!

    This has inspired me for a post to come...

  3. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! I am so amazed at all the backpacking you do. I'm seriously a lazy bum compared to you. Look at what I'm missing out on!!!!

    Hope you return safe and sound. AND I agree with you about Cherie, she is a great blogging friend.

  4. I love all the pictures. You are so multi talented. I love being in nature, you feel a little closer to God. We camp a little more relaxed now, in a trailer. But I do miss hiking and sleeping under the stars.

  5. I think it is the coolest thing that you and your family go on all these hiking trips. I am sure it brings such unity and love when you are in the wilderness with each other. It is a place of such beauty and I love that your photos let us experience a little of what you see.

  6. I cannot even tell you how much I love looking - no drooling - over your pictures of this beautiful country that you backpack in. It is amazing.
    All of you look SO happy in the pictures too - I can tell it is your passion!!

    I hope you had a fun time on this years trip!!!!
