Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday!

"Stop every now and then.

Just stop and enjoy.
Take a deep breath.
Relax and take in the abundance of life!"

(my photos are clickable)
Teton Crest Trail 2005

I love this photo...

we had just climbed up over a high mountain pass and we were at the top and everywhere we turned and looked there was complete beauty all around us and when I looked back I saw that Tracy had stopped to take it in and "write a quick note" in his journal.
He never seems too busy to stop, ponder and enjoy!

while it is a wonderful time of year,
it seems to be a busy time of year...

With gardens and flower beds to weed,
lawns to mow,
a whole yard to keep WATERED,
houses to keep clean,
kids, spouses and grandchildren that we need to nourish, take care of and spend time with,
church callings, work,
family vacations and reunions and the list goes on.

In the midst of this crazy thing we call LIFE,
I need to follow this council better and remember to take time every day to
RELAX....take a deep breath
and take in the abundance and beauty of life!!

I am SO grateful to be married to such a wonderful man who loves and appreciates nature as much as I do and makes sure we take time during each day to SAVOR the moment and relax and enjoy the world of beauty that surrounds us!


  1. Great thoughts today!

    That poem seemed to be written for me? I swear my summer is so busy, and going too quickly! :( Next thing I know, it will be Christmas.

    I need a good balance of everything. I wasn't blogging for so long ( because I couldn't even keep up with my house ) and I myself suffered. One night after dinner I started having a pity party and told Chad that I felt like I didn't have any friends. Weird? Cuz I do! Lots of them that are on my blog.. and not on my blog.. but I missed the associations between everyone, and need that in my life too. The question NOW will be " How am I going to balance it all?"

    Hey.. I'm hopeful! Right??

    Hope we can meet up during the Killers concert sometime!
    Can't wait!

    Anywho.. after my rambling... Happy Sunday!

  2. I really need to stop and enjoy! What a gift your husband has to be able to write his feelings in his journal while hiking!

    I have a vinyl sign above my door that says, "Celebrate Today!"
    Everyday is a gift that we really do need to celebrate.

    Just to make a comment on your previous post. I'm very impressed with all you do for and with your children. You are making alot of fond memories for them.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. It is very healthy to stop and enjoy!

    Great message!

    I am way behind on blogging because I have been doing the "summer thing!".

    I love catching up on your blog!!
