Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Bean Dish to enjoy all year long!!

I love taking dried pinto beans
and sorting through them, filling a pan with water and then letting them soak over night. The next morning when I wake up I rinse them well, add in more water and let them cook all day until they are tender.

The thrift of cooking with dried beans
is truly joyful and rewarding to me!

A few months ago we had a funeral in our community and I was asked to bring a pot of baked beans for the family dinner after the funeral. Well, my week got away from me and I awoke the morning of the funeral and quickly remembered I had to bring these...I panicked for a minute and then ran and grabbed a bag of cooked beans from my freezer, defrosted them, mixed the ingredients together and baked them for an hour and a half and we had a pan of piping hot baked beans and that were
absolutely delicious, thrifty and SO quick and easy to make.

I really enjoy this recipe because we can enjoy it all year round.
In the Fall, Winter and Spring
I bake these up and we enjoy baked bean casserole with corn bread
(click here for cornbread recipe)

In the Summer
I bake these up and they are the perfect baked beans for a Summer Picnic!!
We've enjoyed them on picnics a few times this summer
and they have been a hit every time.

Most people think that cooking with "dry beans" is too much of a hassle, but that couldn't be further from the truth. What saves me time is I take a weekend and cook up a large stock pot of beans and then put them into quart sized bags and freeze them.
That way, instead of using cans of beans from the store, I can pull cooked beans from my freezer to make up meals and it's using my dried beans that are plentiful in my food storage.
I LOVE cooking once
and having many meals from that one time of cooking!

Here is a HELPFUL TIP for Bacon---
Cut the packages in half when you get home from the store and then freeze them. That way you can add the flavor of bacon to your soups/beans without adding as many calories AND it saves money as well!

After I have cooked beans all day, I usually end up making "Beans and Hamhocks" (click here for recipe) for dinner that night and then the rest of the beans get put in the freezer for future meals.

Baked Bean Casserole by Kimmie
6 cups
cooked Pinto beans

1 can
Great Northern beans
1/2 pkg bacon cut into small pieces
1 large chopped onion (OR 2 small chopped onions)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
2/3 cup

1 Tbsp

1 Tbsp

1 tsp
Worcestershire sauce

cut up bacon and chopped onions until bacon is fully cooked and onions are tender.
Mix in remaining ingredients and
bring to a boil.
Bake for 1 to 1-1/2 hours in 325 degree oven.
***(you can delete the can of Great Northern beans and just use 8 cups of pinto beans instead...but, I like adding in the Great Northern beans for color)


  1. Lots of helpful and useful tips from you as usual! I love it!

    Thanks for taking the time to post it all! It's VERY beneficial for me!

  2. I just love your recipes and all of your tips. I have used quite a few of them. You are a fabulous cook and I love getting all of you time saving tips. I have tons of beans in my food storage, but use the can beans more because it's very easy. This seems like a great trick and easy, plus cost saving!

  3. Looks like a yummy recipe! (the baked beans) I'm going to have to give them a try.
    I love cooking with dry beans too and am always on the lookout for new recipes.

  4. So glad you shared your Bean and Bacon recipe. I LOVE Bean and Bacon. And thanks for the great tip. I never thought of that. It's a tip I'm adding!!! THANKS!

    I've enjoyed catching up on your blog!!

  5. I too LOVE LOVE LOVE your great cooking tips.
    I have waited for years for someone to tell me how to freeze things. I just never knew.
    I love the bean ideas. Thanks so much.
    They look so yummy too!!

    Do your boys sing the Bean song - You know "Beans beans the magical fruit? hee hee
