Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday"!

"Through the eyes of a child
we see the wonder of it all"!

(be sure to click on the photo and
make it large to see how sweet it is)
This was one of those "once in a lifetime" photos. We were at a wedding reception at the JSM building across from Temple Square and I was visiting with friends and noticed my Ethan touching the glass of the windows! So, I ran over to pull him away so he didn't get fingerprints all over the window and I couldn't resist taking this is priceless and I love the reflection of Jade in the corner looking so happy and proud at his brother.
I love the joy that children bring into our lives...they help us notice and appreciate the "little things" in life that sometimes we overlook!


  1. What a great photo you captured!

    It's been a glorious day!!

  2. GREAT PHOTO!!!!

    I absolutely love that "spot" in the JSB - such a pretty view!!

  3. I miss Ethan being so small. where has the time gone?
