Friday, April 3, 2009

My Thankful Heart!!

I am Thankful for...

My Children!!
These past 4 months we have had 4 families in our area lose children to untimely deaths and so I have a heart full of gratitude for my children! It’s a wonderful time of day for me when they get off the bus from school everyday and I greet them at the door with a hug and kiss and I know they are safe. I cherish every moment I get with them!
I LOVE being their mom and especially enjoy sitting on our bean bag reading books to them and love to tuck them in bed with a kiss and an "I love you" each night!.
They fill our home with Sunshine!

Friday Night Dates with my Sweetie!
I am SO grateful for the wonderful advice that one of Tracy’s co-workers gave to him 2-1/2 years ago. Tracy’s work is hectic taking care of computers for the school district and so he often stays late because then he can get things done without interruptions. Well, one Friday evening it was about 6:00 and this co-worker saw that Tracy was working late and told him he needed to get home and take his wife on a date. So, Tracy called me up and told me to get the kids fed and that he was taking me on a date.
We haven’t missed a date since!

Every week we have a night for us
and it makes all the difference!
(more later about enjoying a weekly date on a budget)

Dental Insurance!!
I’m so grateful we have dental insurance. Tracy was in for his 6 month teeth cleaning and they realized he had fractured one of his front teeth and his tooth could break off at any time. I’m grateful that they were able to save the tooth with a crown and he still is able to have his gorgeous “make me melt” smile! (A big thanks to my brother-in-law Tom who is our family dentist and is always good to get us in and get things taken care of for us...he is the BEST!)
(PS….I love this photo…Tracy was on a business trip 2 years ago and Ethan was in preschool and made this sign to welcome Tracy home! SO sweet! )
Thoughtfulness of friends!
I’m so grateful for this beautiful Amaryllis flower given to us by some friends in our ward that has brightened up my week!
This family has the most amazing yard and garden and from the moment they have daffodils blooming in the spring to asters blooming in the fall they make 2 gorgeous bouquets of flowers to sit on the podium in our chapel every week and then they give these to members in our ward to enjoy during the week. They are true examples of what it means to be charitable and truly giving of yourself.
I was the lucky recipient this week and I have LOVED it! (especially since we have had snow off and on for the past 5 days).

Sweet notes from my kids!
I came home from work on Tuesday and this note was sitting on the counter. I started crying! My sweet Ethan had left his lunch box at school and so I didn’t have a container to send him a drink for his lunch and I left him some money to get milk. Well, in his mind I needed to “Save my money” (I guess the practices and talk of money that we have in our home are rubbing off on my kids--He is a 7 year old that "gets it"..amazing). He would rather drink water than spend money on a drink. This will be a note I will cherish!
Kids are so precious and say and do the sweetest things!
(Mom, I want you to save your money. Love Ethan
I am getting water)

I am SO grateful
for the inspirational words
President’s Monson’s talk:
“Finding Joy in the Journey”!
(click here)

Tracy used to play this talk on his iPhone nightly when we went to bed that we practically had it memorized!
I definitely refer to this talk monthly. It has a wonderful message that has helped me keep my life in perspective and realize the things in life that REALLY matter!
"Cherish Every Moment"!
I really don't think I could ever tire of this talk!
It has been life changing!

Looking forward to "re-charging my batteries"once again
from wonderful inspirational talks
this Conference Weekend!
(PS...this sunset photo and the photo at the top of my Blog were taken over the Pacific Ocean while we were on our Mexican Riviera Cruise 12-21-07)


  1. Great thoughts and Great post!
    Loved it!!

    You need to put that picture of you and Tracy on the sidebar.. It is seriously DARLING!!

    Happy Conference Weekend!!

  2. I agree, those pictures are so cute! Your boys are super handsome and have great smiles!!

    The money for a drink is so precious! That just made my heart melt - what a sweet boy :)

    I can tell you are such a great mom!

  3. Bless your soul, that sweet comment made my night!

    You are a shinning example of true to the soul mothers.

    All my life, that is what I have wanted to be. Just mom & wife. Thats all. And lately its getting so hard to be patient when all my girlfriends I have grown up with are getting married and are now pregnant.

    But, the note and your sweet stories are so sweet to peep in on.

    Also, you have two handsome boys on your hands--look out mom in the future LOL--
