Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Visitor!

This is going to be a quick post....
My kids and I have been watching a sweet little robin outside our window for the past week and it is always so quick and runs off before we can get the camera to snap a photo of it. Well, yesterday was our lucky day and we finally got a photo of it.

This sweet little robin has been eating the leftover berries/crabapples
on some of our trees.
I LOVE sweet little birds!
I LOVE Nature ...it feeds my soul
and I can't wait to be able to be out in nature more!

This sweet little bird has now been hanging out in the tree in our front yard and there is a nest in the tree from last year and so I am wondering if we are going to be having another batch of baby robins in our yard.
(last year we had 2 robins that made nests in our trees and 2 batches of baby birds to watch and enjoy).
It was SO fun!!

Happy Spring!
This winter has drug on long enough...
The snow is finally melted
and we can now officially see grass in our front yard.
(If you can't tell I very much have "Spring Fever"!)


  1. Yay! I love Robins! Little birds make me happy also! I buy bird feed because I like them to feel welcome and well fed at my house!!

    Bring on Spring!

  2. Kimmie birds are definately a sign that spring is on the way - Hooray!

    It always amazes me that there are millions of birds out there but when you see the little, new ones in your own backyard it is fun to sit and watch them.

    I think when you do this with children it really gives them an appreciation of nature and the things Heavenly Father created for us. Nature just kind of gives us a glimpse of the big picture!
