Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Joy of Children and Birthdays!!

7 years ago....
our little miracle Ethan arrived into our lives!
(Tracy snapped this photo after I was loaded onto the University of Utah's "Life Flight" fixed wing that flew to Rexburg, Idaho to pick me up and take me to U of U hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah)
(One of the sweet Life Flight nurses snapped this photo of Tracy and I...Tracy gave a "half-hearted" smile, but he was just a tadbit nervous and stressed at this moment in time...worried about his wifey and unborn child)
I was on bed rest with really bad "pre-eclampsia" and my body just could not take pregnancy one more day
(my blood pressure was at 228/133 stroke and heart attack level)
and so our little Ethan was born 9 weeks early
by emergency cesarean birth weighing in at 3 pounds!
But, he was a fighter and the nurses and hospital staff called him "Champ"!!
We actually got to take him home a month early because he did so well (he weighed 4 pounds 10 ounces when we brought him home) and my most favorite moment of all was that he took to nursing greatly and I was able to breast feed my little baby
and he loved it!!
From the moment we brought him home
he has filled our lives with an abundance of joy and excitement!!
And he grew and smiled LOTS!!

His First Birthday!

Very Sweet 1 year old!!

Full of Energy 2 year old!!

Ice cream loving 3 year old!!

Just plain adorable 4 year old!

Great helper to his parents 5 year old!

"Hot Wheel car loving 6 year old!!

TODAY (3-19-09)
our Indiana Jones Loving
Ethan Kip Celebrated his 7th Birthday!!

7 things I LOVE about Ethan
DETERMINATION---anything Ethan sets his mind to do he accomplishes! (Jade is quite a good little artist and Ethan couldn't stand that he couldn't draw as good as Jade and so every little piece of paper Ethan "doodles" on and he is getting to be quite good at drawing himself)
ENERGETIC---I can't believe how much energy he has. He runs AND jumps everywhere he goes!
INTELLIGENT---I can't believe how smart he is...he is getting A's in all of his classes and he is reading, writing and doing math so well. His mind is a "sponge"!
FUNNY---I love Ethan's sense of humor. He is always telling jokes and making us laugh (Tracy tells me if I want to know what he was like when his was little to take a look at Ethan--spitting image in action, mannerisms and looks).
HARD WORKING---I can't believe what a hard worker Ethan is. He faithfully does his chores everyday without having to be asked and is always going the extra mile in helping us out. I sure appreciate that so much.
LOVABLE---Ethan is just a lovable kid and he loves for you to tickle his back, his arms, his hair and I love to snuggle on the beanbag with him and read him books everyday. It's a treasured time for me!
HONEST---Ethan is meticulously honest and if something happens he always tells the truth (even when he knows he might get in trouble).
I sure love and I'm proud of my Ethan Kip!
And Ethan got his "dream cake"
and Indiana Jones Action figure!
(made with love by his mom Kimmie!)
(I found the idea here)
(I only used this as an Idea and I made up my own special chocolate cake, and frosting from scratch and I feel VERY lucky that I was able to find an Indiana Jones figurine We checked every store in Idaho Falls last weekend and finally at Fred Meyers on an end cap clearance we found this one.
I was feeling very lucky about that find.)


  1. Wow that was quite a beginning! I actually got chills reading your story of the life flight and had to remind myself that it turned out all right :D
    My last one was 3 weeks early and I thought he was tiny at 5 lbs when we brought him home. 4 lbs coming home is SO small. Oh my goodness so small!
    I love all the pictures through the years - Ethan has the cutest smile!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the Indiana Jones Cake - How cool is that!
    Happy Birthday Ethan :D

  2. Sweetie,

    That is SUCH delicious cake! Thanks for sending me some in my lunch today! You are the best! Looking forward to our date tonight!

  3. Cherie....Ethan was so small when we brought him home that we could put him in a mens size 9 shoe box.

    Thanks for your comments...they mean alot. (Glad you loved the cake idea).

  4. I could cry at the first of the post! What a scary thing for your husband to have to be dealing with both of you needing his attention..

    I am glad he has turned out to be healthy. He does have a contagious smile that makes you want to smile just seeing his pictures!

    You are a talented chic! I love the indy cake! Love it!!
    Very sweet tribute you gave him..
    He is very lucky to have such a sweet and creative mom!!

  5. Happy Birthday to Ethan!! (He shares with Adam) What a great cake--It looks like he had a great birthday!! I remember holding him when you brought him home--he was so tiny! It is amazing how time flies. 7 years old!!! Wow!!

  6. Kimberly,

    I love reading your blog! I am going to set a goal to try at least two of your recipes a month! Cooking for our families shows them so much love! I know with my schedule I have been slacking! But, it really does a family good! You have inspired me! Thanks for sharing!=D (My family thanks you in advance!)

