Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Beauty of Raindrops...

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. 
Notice the bumble bee, the small child,
 and the smiling faces. 
Smell the rain, and feel the wind. 
Live your life to the fullest potential, 
and fight for your dreams."
Ashley Smith

We had another beautiful hiking trip in the mountains this past weekend. The fall colors were still vibrant, but it was chilly and it ended up snowing when we got to our lunch spot and so we made a fire and decided to hike out as the people we were hiking with, didn't have warm enough clothing.

As we were hiking out it rained on us.
It was gorgeous and I had to keep stopping and taking photos to capture the beauty of the raindrops!

"Anyone can love a rose, 
but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. 
It’s ordinary to love the beautiful, 
but it’s beautiful to love the ordinary."


  1. ALL these photos are gorgeous. I need to try to capture such beautiful images of raindrops. You did an awesome job. Wow!

  2. Sweet!!! The photos are wonderful.
