Monday, March 12, 2012

Simple Things...Family, Friendship, Beauty!

“It is the sweet, simple things of life 
which are the real ones after all.”
--Laura Ingalls Wilder
I'm always amazed how such sweet simple things can be greatly missed when they aren't in your life.
I have truly missed my kids and I'm so happy to be back to my morning routine of having a "one minute hug" with my Ethan Kip!
Since quitting work, we have enjoyed setting the timer each morning for one minute and standing and hugging and dancing until the timer goes off before he has to race out the door to catch the bus.
I didn't realize how that one minute hug could be so powerful,
until I didn't have it in my life for a few days.
Truly a priceless and cherished memory for me!

WOW, what a FUN and exciting weekend 
I had going to the Story@Home Conference. 
It was so much fun to reconnect with old friends and to meet new friends as well...
I was surrounded by so many amazing and inspiring women. 
There was lots of laughter and late nights spent talking and catching up!
 There were so many inspiring talks at the Conference that had us both laughing and crying and going away with the excitement and desire to want to be a better person.
The crocuses were in full bloom, the tulips were starting to sprout out of the ground. you could smell fresh dirt, and there was the novelty of being able to walk around during the day without a jacket on.

While I was enjoying spring-like hubby and boys were enjoying a completely different experience, of WINTER beauty!
They went snowshoeing/cross-country skiing with the Young Men in our ward into a cabin at Harriman Park and spent the night and then woke up in the morning, ate a hearty breakfast and then put back on their gear and went snowshoeing & cross-country skiing around a nice loop enjoying some beautiful and breath-taking scenery!
I have to admit, I was kind of jealous when I got home and looked at their photos...I can't wait to be able to go as a family and enjoy that same experience together.

 Here are photos from the FUN they had...
I can't believe what a perfectly beautiful day it was  
(even though it was only 5 degrees)
and they even got to see some Trumpeter Swans and ducks.
"We must go out and re-ally ourselves 
to Nature every day. 
We must take root, 
send out some little fiber at least, 
even every winter day".
–Henry David Thoreau
It's amazing how such simple things
such as hugs and kisses from your kids,
time spent with friends,  
learning new things,
taking time to notice and appreciate the beauty wherever you are,
and getting out and enjoying some exercise 
can bring so much JOY to your life!

Such simple, but profound words...
It's the sweet, simple things in life 
which are the real ones after all!

Wishing you a day that is abundant in whatever 
sweet, simple things that bring JOY to you!


  1. That looks like so much fun!
    I was down the table from you at the dinner so I didn't get to talk to you, but wanted to say THANK you for the delish almonds! Yeah, I ate em all already. :) Can't wait to get more time to look through all your recipes because I love to cook/bake too.

  2. sooooo jealous of your boys! i uber love & miss that park! and this year i miss the snow since we had like 5 seconds of it. :)

    was phenomenally heartwarming to be back with you & the girls. 18 months is TOO long! when i come to the 'burg in may, tauna & you & i need to get together. even just to play some cards! lub ya!


    p.s. still grateful for our stroll.

  3. Beautiful views! Its nice to "recharge" with the girls once in a while. What fun memories!

  4. What gorgeous pictures! I would love to have been with you ladies and with the scouts :)

  5. My youngest is a hugger too. At 13 I am glad she hasn't outgrown the need--hopefully she never will. It does us BOTH a world of good.

  6. Wow! While he was enjoying the snow and cold we were drooling over the crocuses and dirt!

    Looks like they had a great time.

    Hope you have recovered! It was such great fun.
    Loved meeting people!

  7. I bet you were sad missing on all of that outdoor fun! The pictures are spectacular.. but it still looks too cold for me! haha

    Grateful you came to Utah! It's always fun to be together!

  8. What a great weekend.
    Looks like the boys had fun in the cold white stuff too.

  9. Kimmie~ so glad I finally got to meet you!
    Looks like the boys had a great time in the snow~ those are some beautiful pics!

    My youngest (11) is a hugger too, and I realized after reading your post that I don't appreciate his affection as much as I should. I've been making sure to really hug him~ instead of a quick hug & then getting back to whatever I was busy with. So THANK YOU! :)

  10. Such a true quote! I love how much you love your family! I wish I could have seen you this past weekend! I am glad you had a good time!

    Your husband took some great pictures of their outing!
