Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mother & Son...Photography Fun!

I'm sad...time is just flying on by 
much faster than I'd like it to!

Jade just finished up his 2nd Trimester of his Junior Year in High School and I can honestly say I have never had more fun with my son,
than the trimester he took photography.
Each week we would load in the car
and drive around and find cool things to take photos of...

Such great times we had driving and talking about life, laughing, and trying to find the PERFECT things for the week's photography theme.

I learned SO many great things about photography
and best of all had the BEST time ever with Jade!
Jade  really does have a good eye for what looks good or cool for photos
(although his coordination is not the best and so I would have to help him get the camera stable and then back away and let him shoot the photos).

The weather wasn't always the best, 
but we made the best of what we had to work with.

Here are some of our favorites 
from the 100's of photos we took.
(these first few photos were photos  from the first photo shooting... Jade just came home and said  he had to have 14 photos of whatever. I can't believe what a good  job he did on these for his first time taking photos.
Simplicity Photos 
(this grouping of photos Jade came home at 4:30 and said he had photos due the next day and we only had 1 hour to take 14 photos to turn in
we just drove and snapped as quickly as we could)

Line Photos
(these were taken in Honeyville, Utah when we went down for my mom's Christmas Party...)

Curved Line Photos

Shape Photos
(these were taken near the green belt in Idaho Falls)

Pattern Photos

Texture Photos

(this photo was taken at my dad's pig pen...
I thought it apropos since I raised pigs and from age 8 until 17 and took one to the fair each year)

Abstract Photos

Point of View Photos 
(these photos were taken on a family Sunday drive... Tracy had to go and fix a network connection at one of the schools and so these were old buildings in St. Anthony and Ashton)
 This is the communication tower that connects the high school in Ashton with the rest of the school district's network.
I can't believe that Tracy has climbed this 100 ft. tower all the way to the top!

Reflection Photos
(these were hard photos to take as we didn't have much water and it was a rainy and drizzly day...many of them were just puddles on the road with reflections in them)
We had a LAKE in our front yard...but it was perfect for capturing a cool "reflection photo".

Cool Photos 
of things in your house

Love you Jade Marshall...
hoping that you have another FUN class that I can be your helper and by your side learning and having FUN together again!


  1. WOW! I'm in awe, those were fantastic photos! GREAT job, Jade!!!

  2. Okay....
    A. what a Great mom you are.
    B. Your pictures are great
    C. What a cute mom you are!!!

    Just read your earlier post, and I love it!!!

  3. Jade, What a great job on the photos. You have a really good eye for things. Keep up the good work.

  4. Awesome photos Jade!!! What a fun class for both of you!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How fun is that!!?
    What a cute Jade!
    I love pictures!!
    One day I will own a honkin' nice camera!! day

  7. Did he take all of those? They are fantastic!!! He should certainly persue that route a while longer. Great job Jade!!!

    Hope you guys are all doing great!! You need to catch me up on life sometime soon. Miss you!!!
