Friday, March 23, 2012

Delicious many yummy uses and a recipe!

 I am sad that this morning we enjoyed our last orange from the case of oranges I bought 2 weeks ago.  
It's one of the things I love most about this time of the year, is the GREAT prices on oranges...
it's such a frugal way to enjoy produce 
this time of the year!
 Since Christmas we have bought 4 cases of oranges and enjoyed every single one. 
You may ask how a family of four can go through so many oranges, but they all get eaten up in one way or another and here is how that happens: 

Cut up and eaten for daily snacks 
and daily lunch box additions...

Cut in half and JUICED...

 and served with weekend 
pancake and egg breakfasts...

 Kids just LOVE 
fresh squeezed orange juice...

Topped on MANY winter salads...
Added to many smoothies...
Used to make up some absolutely 
delicious family favorite recipes....
Poppy Seed Bread (here)
Carrot Cookies (here)

And one of our all time favorites
Orange Rolls...
and below is the recipe for that! 

Orange Rolls

2 Tbsp. SAF yeast
1 Tbsp. sugar
½ cup warm water
Mix together and let stand while getting other ingredients ready.

1 cup scalded milk
1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
2 eggs, well beaten
4 ½ to 5 heaping cups flour
Add butter and sugar to hot milk.  
Cool and add eggs, salt, and yeast mixture.
Add flour, knead well. Dough will be sticky.
Put in large bowl with a small amount of oil and coat well.
Let rise, punch down and let rise again.

Roll dough out like a jelly roll and spread with a mixture of:
6 Tbsp. softened butter
1 Tbsp. orange juice
1/3 cup sugar
grated rind of 1 orange
Roll up and cut and put on greased cookie sheet or in muffin tins.
Let rise until double and bake for 10-15 minutes in 400 degree oven.
Frost with cream cheese frosting while still warm.
(I cut mine apart after frosting and let them cool on wire racks so they aren't too doughy!

Cream Cheese Frosting
(4oz) 1/2 package light cream cheese
1/4 cup REAL butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar
Cream butter, cream cheese and vanilla together until smooth. Add in powdered sugar and blend until creamy.

Oranges...whether eaten plain as a snack, 
or  juiced, topped on a salad, 
made into a smoothie, or added to recipes...
it's one truly one of the favorite winter time fruits in our family!!
I hope you and your family enjoy the 
WONDERFUL yummyness 
of citrus and oranges as well!


  1. Oh, everything looks delicious, especially those orange rolls!

  2. We love oranges here. We are so lucky to have sister who has an orange tree in her yard! Love the smell of orange blossoms too. Yummy recipes!

  3. Our family loves oranges as well. I can't seem to keep enough of them around. I need to buy a box like you did. The orange rolls look so yummy.

  4. Wow, I feel I've gained 5 pounds just reading your post! Yummmmy! Our family's faves are the Cuties! Just can NOT keep them around. My son will take a whole bag to school and put it in his locker. Crazy, eh?
