Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life is full of an abundance of LOVE....

Valentine's Day 2012...
I am greatly missing this handsome man 
staring back at me in this photo!
He is on a technology business trip to Boise and won't be back until tomorrow 2-15.

I have missed hearing his voice (although we have been in contact through email/texting, no phone calls though). 
I miss those electric blue eyes, his gorgeous smile, his contagious laugh, 
his funny sense of humor, his compliments...
I miss every single thing about him!! 

"Oh, if it be to choose 
and call thee mine,
love, thou art every day 
my Valentine"!
~Thomas Hood
I love these photos...
what's amazing about these photos, is they were taken the same year, by the same company.  
It's amazing that were are both laying on blue carpet, wearing red and laying down. 
 Who would have ever known that when these photos were taken, that we would find each other, fall in love and marry.
I have ALWAYS been a romantic,
ever since I was a wee little girl 
 I DREAMED of growing up, falling in love and being married.  
I dreamed of having a husband who would love me, who would be romantic,
kiss and love me each day when he came home from work, leave me love notes,
make our home a place where LOVE abundantly abounds. 
I dreamed of having a marriage where each and every day LOVE is shown,
romance is there,
a home full of FUN, 
memories created daily and
a refuge from the storm and place to feel peace. 

YES, I have all of these things I have listed above and MORE
in my wonderful life, with my wonderful marriage
to the most amazing man I know...
Tracy (aka "Mr. Smith")

One of my favorite quotes about LOVE
(which I cross-stitched and have sitting 
on one of the shelves in my house)

I am SO grateful to be shown true love
every day of my life and not just on  

Valentine's Day!!

You see, we have Valentine's Day 
each day of the year!

Like this quote says...
"Love is more than verses on 
Valentines or Romance in the movies....
 it is here and now, real and true the  
most important thing in our lives..."

It's a daily effort by both of us doing 
all of the "little things" that make life so big!!

Some of my favorites...I always get told I'm beautiful even when I'm not feeling beautiful (from having not so good hair days, OR, with my "double chin" neck that I inherited from my dad)
 I LOVE that we do everything together from daily walks together around the block, walking in rain storms,  hiking/backpacking in the mountains, enjoying weather of all kinds together, camping, playing in the water on the beach, enjoying nature with all it's gorgeous splendor like amazing sunrises and sunsets.  I love being by your side with all of our home improvement projects...

I LOVE the effort you put in to being up with me in the morning with helping out with getting the steel cut oats all in our bowls for us to eat for breakfast.  I LOVE having you come and sit on the counter in the bathroom and talking to me while I'm putting on my make-up and doing my hair to get ready for work.

LAUGHTER...your contagious laugh you bring to home and fill our lives with an abundance of laughing!  I LOVE this so much about you!

I LOVE raising sons together and being FUN parents... 
I LOVE DATE NIGHT each week and
love when you have uploaded new music to your iPhone
and created FUN music play lists to enjoy while we drive together.
(It shows that you were thinking about me during the day)

I LOVE on several occasions walking out of work and seeing your truck parked there and opening the door and having you tell me you missed me and you only worked half a day of work because you wanted to take me to lunch and spend the afternoon with me before kids got home from school!!
From daily kisses and 
"I Love you's", love notes, daily thoughtful acts that abundantly abound, having you catch me off guard while you turn me around while I'm making dinner and you take me and dance with me (pure bliss that is)

 Whatever it is we are doing,
I LOVE and cherish each and every moment with the Love of my Life Tracy!!
Yes indeed Love...
"thou art every day my Valentine"


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to a cute pair! :)

  2. I just LOVE those quotes!!

    I love that we are twins in the Romantic department! ♥

    It makes me so very happy to know that you and Tracy are so happy together. In this day and age.. there are so many un-happy marriages.. and it is AWESOME to see good, Healthy and happy ones!!!

    I feel sooo many of the same sentiments for Chad -- that you expressed for Tracy.. and it truly is awesome to love and be loved the way we are.

    I hope you have a happy "make-up" Valentines day soon! We have too also.. as I have been sick-sick. :) It's ok.. we celebrate ALL the time. *wink.*

    Love you Kimmie!

  3. Those pictures of you and Tracy as kids are adorable!
    That is a great quote! You're very ambitious to cross stitch that!
    I think you're beautiful no matter what you think your chin or neck looks like!
    Hope you and Tracy have a happy reunion tomorrow.

  4. Ahh...It's so great to be married to your best friend!!
