Friday, July 1, 2011

Our fun and happy month of June!

I'm saddened as I think that the first month of summer
is POOF, gone, bye-bye, see ya,
never to be experienced again.  
How did it get to be July 1st?!? 

While I'm sad that time is flying by way too quickly, 
I thought I would pause and say that...
 fun, Fun, FUN 
is what our month of June was full of!!
I wish I could capture the excitement 
of my sweet nine-year-old son Ethan!! 
He was SO excited for Father's day this year as he saved hard and bought his dad a ratcheting end wrench
(15 mm on one end, 17 mm on the other end).
  I helped him shop for it and all week long he know that we had a "secret" and he kept winking at me and smiling and pulling me into the other room to discuss our surprise for dad.   
Such a happy day and priceless memory with my son! 

Fun in the rain, snow and beauty 
on our hike around Jenny Lake.

I LOVE that I have a best friend 
that I can work side by side with out in our yard together.
I savor and treasure 
each precious moment I get to spend with this man!!

What a cold and windy day 
that ended in an electric hot pink sky. 
Tracy and the boys were working on some project in the garage 
and so thus I had to take a self portrait to capture the gorgeous colors in the sky!
I LOVE sunsets!

June 21st-23rd
So sad to leave Ethan for three days... 
he was so cute and grown up 
heading off to day camp in his Scout shirt 
all ready to enjoy the FUN that his day had to offer
(and then heading to grandpa and grandmas house for 3 days
as we were heading with our youth on a trip to Utah to see the Manti Pageant.
LOTS of fun, beauty, great sites and experiences that will be lifelong memories that we experienced with our youth and local leaders.

I Spy...
two handsome sons
Jade Marshall 
and Ethan Kip
staring back at me!

FUN at the park!
Running through the Splash Park,
Grilling Hot Dogs on the grill
Throwing our "Freeze and Play" Ice Cream ball and 
enjoying homemade ice cream & German Chocolate cupcakes,
walking and talking until dark.
This evening couldn't have been more perfect!!
I spy...
the shadow of me and the love of my life!! 

SO very happy with life!
So blessed beyond measure with TRUE LOVE, children, happy memories, happiness each & everyday.
So blessed beyond measure with the most amazing man I know "Mr. Smith" that is always making sure each day we create some type of happy and joyful moments! 

Looking forward to the FUN that July brings to our lives...
Fireworks, floating the river, heading to the desert to explores caves and cool off, flying "Old Glory", backpacking, soaking in hot water, more camping, hot weather, cooling off with Otter Pops, Popsicle's, or by heading to cool off at the lake, more picnics, LOTS of blue sky, beauty in our yard, seeing our garden grow and grow.
Can't wait to enjoy doing these things and MANY more this coming month!
Happy 3 day Weekend!


  1. It is flying way too fast!

    We were at Jenny Lake two weekends ago! Can you believe I have never been there? It was breathtaking! Such rich colors. AND warm.
    Your day looked so shivery!

    Those boys are growing so fast! Make them stop!!!
    I love all the pictures of your adventures for the month. You are a family who definitely sucks the adventure out of each day.

    I made a bunch of artisan bread yesterday. It was a hit!

  2. Your splash park looks fun. Is it free? We have a couple public parks that have small splash pads and our kids love them. How fun. I want to get an ice cream ball; I think it would be fun for the kids. Looks like a fun month!

  3. Kimmie I love visiting your very happy blog!! I cannot believe it is July 1st - How fast the summer is going already.
    It looks like your family definately has been having fun, fun, fun and what could be better than that!
    I love seeing all your smiles!!

    Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

  4. Just found your blog via The House of Smith's! I love your blog. So inspiring. Your recipes and dishes looks so healthy. :) Thanks for sharing.

  5. You were in MANTI?!?!? That's only an hour and a half from me, and we were there for the padgent on the 24th.... we would have gone earlier if I would have known.
    I'm with you wondering how the summer has gone so fast, too fast!
