Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bananas and Chocolate make a tasty summer treat!

First off 
this truly inspired me today:
Very touching and humbling and made me really stop to pause in what I was doing this afternoon to think of what REALLY matters in life, how friendship and children and family mean SO much and are we taking the time we need to each day to make sure we are living life to the fullest and to be the "one" to make a difference in peoples lives for good!   
(fitting that I found this inspiring article as it took place at a place called "Banana Creek")

And so my journey towards 
de-cluttering and simplifying continues. 
 I've been browsing through the many magazine subscriptions we have received over the years and trying to decide what to keep and what to send on and while doing that I find myself loving to browse through the SUMMER issues to get ideas for treats that are fun and out of the ordinary and use things we all have on hand.

The moment I saw this recipe I knew I had to make some.
FUN activity to have your kids help you with...
Definitely a 2 person job with dipping them in the chocolate and then the toppings. so I didn't get too many photos, but they were such a hit to enjoy in the 80 degree weather we experienced last week!
Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas 
4-5 bananas cut in half
1-1/2 cups chocolate chips (I like dark chocolate or Semi-Sweet)
Your choice of toppings to dip them in
(we liked toasted coconut, toasted almonds, chopped pistachios
HOWEVER, the skies the limit to what you could top them with!)

Cut bananas in half
Put popsicle sticks in bottom
Put on a cookie sheet lined with parchment
Freeze at least 2-3 hours
Melt chocolate chips on low on stove
Hold banana over pan, have one person spoon chocolate on the banana and another person spread chocolate with a butter knife to coat well
Quickly dip in toppings of your choice.
Put back on parchment paper and freeze another 2 hours
 I took the leftovers and put in a Zip-Loc bag and we enjoyed a treat to cool off another night of the week.
Can you say "yummy"
because that is what they are!


  1. That was a very touching story of the astronaut and the child. Thanks for sharing that with us.

    The bananas look so good and would be a great treat on these hot summer days!

    Good luck with the de-cluttering and organizing. I need to do the same REALLY bad!

  2. I saw your salmon dinner on facebook.
    Tracy is very proud of you.

    The banana would be such a hit!
    We'll try that one.
