Friday, June 17, 2011

Life is enjoyable, even in the rain!

"To find the universal elements enough; 
to find the air and the water exhilarating; 
to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter. . .
to be thrilled by the stars at night; 
to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - 
these are some of the rewards of the simple life."
-  John Burroughs

I can honestly say I enjoy each and every day of my life
and I am so grateful to be blessed with the best family in the world that enjoys and recognizes that it is truly all of the “little” moments in life that make it so big!

I’m so grateful to have a family that gets excited over walks and hikes in the mountains how little or big they may be, a gorgeous sunrise or sunset, seeing little birds or any animal in nature, the ever changing clouds in the sky, blue skies, rain, snow, wild flowers blooming, birds chirping, trees in the forest, rugged mountain terrain, snow capped mountains, mountain lakes, rivers and streams.

Happiness truly is time spent together, whatever it is and whatever we are doing, as long as we are together we are happy, especially while out enjoying all the beauty that nature has to offer!

Wednesday June 8th , 2011
was a day that I had to work doing home CHATS from 7-9 am and then I had the rest of the day off and so Tracy decided to take the day off and we SEIZED The MOMENT
we asked the kids what they wanted to do with our day off and they answered
“I want to go hiking in the mountains”.
So, even though we knew it was going to rain we didn’t let that stop us…we loaded our cooler with a picnic, packed our rain gear, jumped in our car and we headed to the mountains to enjoy a wonderful afternoon seeing the wonderful sights, smelling the smells and hearing the sounds that nature has to offer! 

Here are some photos showing the beauty and fun 
we experienced that wonderful day out in nature!
my favorite person 
leaning on that bridge looking back at me!
So happy it's DATE NIGHT tonight!!

Savoring and cherishing each and every 
moment of my wonderful life, 
taking in the beauty that so abundantly surrounds me 
whether it be rainy or blue skies and sunshine 
and realizing that nothing is more highly prized  
than the value of each day we are blessed to enjoy!


  1. Looks like a fun day, but cold!

    Where was it you were hiking? I couldn't place it.

    You have a great attitude about the weather, I guess I should too since I can't change it, right?

  2. Beautiful pictures of a fun day with your 3 men! It's wonderful that a hike and a picnic makes a rainy day so wonderful! But then I have a feeling that you could make any day wonderful!
