Wednesday, May 11, 2011


 “The best things in life are nearest: 
Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, 
flowers at your feet, duties at your hand,
the path of right just before you. 
Then do not grasp at the stars, 
but do life’s plain, common work as it comes,
certain that daily duties and daily bread 
are the sweetest things in life.”  
–Robert Louis Stevenson

What a perfect week to talk about Motherhood 
as I have been scurrying around for the past week doing Motherly duties pretty much non-stop, that there hasn't been a moment to sit and pause and breathe until now!

I've been busy attending track meets, 
getting Jade registered for 11th grade high school classes, 
visiting with family, making goodies for my sons, 
humoring my nine-year old Ethan while he shows me all about his new TRON game, 
driving kids here and there for end of school activities,
trying to keep up on laundry that piles up faster than I can get to it,
trying to plan a FUN day for Jade's 17th birthday, 
DANCING around  listening to "Club can't even handle me right now" a zillion times  
while hustling around trying to get  my teenage son Jade ready to attend the commencement dance this weekend (that we just found out he was going yesterday...WHOO, lots to do!!). 

I feel overwhelmed, but I'm loving every minute of it

Lest I let anymore time slip by, 
I need to pause for just a moment and share my Mother's Day in Photos...

Even though it pretty much rained non-stop on Mother's Day is was full of SUNSHINE from the sweet acts of kindness from my kiddos and Mr. Smith!
 My morning started off with a hearty breakfast in bed 
prepared by Mr. Smith and my mini-chef Ethan Kip.

(Mr. Smith decided to document the morning in photos well...all I can say is, thank goodness LOVE is more than looks as I never look too great when I first wake up in the morning!)

I was awakened by the most excited little kid who was SO thrilled to surprise his mommy!   (Tracy informed me that Ethan was unaware that it was Mother's Day this weekend as Jade came home on Friday with a wrapped gift he had made for me and Ethan was sad he didn't have a gift for me and so awesome dad came up with the idea of breakfast in couldn't have been more perfect!) 

Jade has the most amazing teachers in his school that helped him with this awesome 
"I believe" project. 
Since Jade struggles greatly with writing and typing, he told his teacher what he wanted to say and she typed it for him and also helped him put it all together.  
It was fun to read the things 
he likes and appreciates about our family and extended family (and funny to see how he interprets our life).
It is definitely something that will proudly be displayed on my art ledges when they get finished... 
love it!!

 Does it get any sweeter than 
hand written sentiments from your kids? 
I have just one word for this...PRICELESS!!  
(definitely will be neatly tucked in my box of treasures)

He pampered me all day long and kept bringing me my "coupon" when I was doing tasks so he could do them for me.

Mr. Smith always does some clever, thoughtful thing...
I got the sweetest set of love birds 
and the most awesome homemade card that made us all laugh...

"The servers' down!
Time to relax and enjoy your Mother's Day!"

Funny thing about this card is it is SO true with the mother that is crashed on the couch...yup, that's me...
While I run around the house pretty much non-stop taking care of everything, all I have to do is sit down for 15 minutes to enjoy a movie, or relax on the couch and the next thing you know it, I am OUT like a light, sound asleep!

Savoring life's plain common work 
and all of the things in life that are nearest to me...
 realizing that my most greatest gifts call me
"Wife" & "Mom" 
and feeling abundantly blessed for all of the  
that I get to experience each and every day 
because I have Tracy, Jade & Ethan in my life!


  1. It sounds like you were treated like a queen!
    GOOD! You so deserve it!

    I love the card......that is hilarious. ......the server is dorm!!

    Howie was gone for Mothers Day, but it was ok cuz I knew it would be sitting by the pool with him in a few days.

    The cards from the boys were so priceless. I love the look on Ethans face! He is so proud of himself! Yay, for Jades teacher. His words are so well expressed!

    You are so blessed!

  2. Each note and card is indeed a treasure! Little Ethan talking about you dying was too sweet and innocent...

    SO grateful you were "served" and spoiled on this day.. but I think it's extra special that you all show love and admiration for each other EVERY day! :)

  3. Kimmie,
    This post makes me smile! Love the coupon from Ethan. The card Tracy gave you is funny but so true!
    I love teachers who help their students remember their moms on Mother's Day!
    So, did you get up before the breakfast and do your hair? I look like a porcupine when I first wake up!
    Enjoy these last few weeks before school gets out. It's a busy, busy time!
    Take care!

  4. What a wonderful Mother's Day you had!! You deserved it! I love all the homemade stuff they gave you! Those kinds of gifts are the most meaningful!
