Friday, March 11, 2011

Weekend breakfast yummyness!!

I LOVE weekend breakfasts 
because it is two days out of the week that we all get to sit and enjoy breakfast together as a family!  
love, Love, LOVE these moments!

Steel Cut Oats are enjoyed Monday-Friday for breakfast and so when Saturday morning comes around it means PANCAKES!

Tracy is our weekend chef and the kids look SO forward to his yummy breakfasts he fixes which always consist of some kind of pancake made from scratch with fried eggs.

However, once in awhile, Tracy doesn't feel like pulling out all of the containers of salt, soda, sugar, flour and measuring things out and making a mess. SO, when he has mornings like this we make OVEN Pancakes. 

SO easy, 
just four staple ingredients and 
always a HIT with kiddos!!
Oven Pancakes (AKA German Pancakes)
1/4 cup butter (1/2 cube)
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
6 eggs

Put butter in 9x13 pan and turn oven to 425 degrees and put pan in oven until butter is melted. 
Put flour, milk and eggs in blender mix on high for 30 seconds
Pour mixture into buttered pan
Bake for 20-25 minutes.  Cut into 8 pieces...serves 4 people perfectly!

Enjoy with REAL maple syrup, 
or my family's favorite...peanut butter and syrup.

Pancakes of ANY kind definitely 
make the perfect weekend breakfast!


  1. Those look YUMMERS! This just might be dinner round here tonight? I was planning on waffles, but this looks funner!

  2. I agree. Pancakes say "Weekend!" Those oven pancakes look mighty good! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Tomorrow's Saturday! YES!

  3. Found you on the MMM blog and found this recipe. We made it this morning and LOVED it! Thanks so much for's easy and delicious..went into our favorites file! :)

    Margaret @ Live Like No One Else
