Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday!

"Discovering this idyllic place, we find ourselves
filled with a yearning to linger here; 

where time stands still and beauty overwhelms".

I enjoy SO much finding places of solitude out in nature, where I can just sit and meditate and feel peace!
This photo was taken 
at one of the many high lakes on the Beartooth Highway scenic drive we took in September 2008.   
 The lighting was just perfect and the reflection of the sunset over the lake is incredible.
I truly could sit at a spot like this and linger for hours because the beauty is just that overwhelming and gorgeous!  

Since moments like this don't last forever, then I am SO grateful to have captured such wonderful moments with my camera 
so I can have pictures of beauty hanging in my home, 
be able to view them anytime in our family photos, 
or I can have them for my desktop background on my computer!

I never tire of looking at nature photos 
from our family outings 
and it makes me always yearn to be able to go back out into nature and take in and enjoy the overwhelming beauty that so abundantly abounds! 

Love and appreciation for nature...
what a wonderful gift to have!!

Grateful my family enjoys
being out in nature as much as I do!
Labor Day Trip 2008
Beartooth Highway Scenic Drive
Elevation 10,947

Find the Beauty all around you...
For now
I will enjoy the gorgeous winter-time that we are having in Southeast, Idaho, while yearning to be back in spots;
"...where time stands still 
and beauty overwhelms"


  1. Winter is definitely taking its toll this year. The gray days are getting old. I am craving some sunshine.

    I love your pictures os Beartooth Pass. We went their last June. It was stunning!
    I bet you will ge so excited for the weather to change so you can get out there and do some more hiking. It is so fun to read of your families adventures.

    You do post so many beautiful pictures. We are so blesses to live in this part of the country where there is so much to see.

  2. Great pictures! I think it is fun to have pictures of the beautiful places you've seen when the weather is cold, white and gray - it helps you to remember and revive!!!

    I love the way the boys always have big smiles in all of your pictures - you can tell they love being with their wonderful parents in the outdoors!!

    Hope life has been going good and it is starting to slow down a little bit.
