Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Fun...Lower Palisades Lake!

I know...I am really behind with posting.
With having all of that pain and problems with my right arm, I really had to take computer time easy this summer.
BUT, thanks to a great doctor, great physical therapists and getting a new boss at work, I am back to feeling like myself.
My job environment has greatly changed
at work,
as my whole day used to be responding to brides answering questions via CHAT only for six hours a day, but all of that non-stop typing for over 2 years, really took it's toll on my arms.
, my work day in customer service is CHAT from 7-9 and then take a break and work on my follow up and then 9:45-1:00 I am on the phones taking customer service calls.
I LOVE my new work schedule and my arms do too.

Anywho, because of limited typing to heal my arms, it has made me VERY behind with blogging and sharing our wonderful family memories we have had this summer.

Here's to a wonderful Saturday afternoon we enjoyed in July.

July 3rd, 2010

This year Tracy and I celebrated
our 20 year anniversary!

Prior to our anniversary, Tracy found a bargain online for a day pack he had been eyeing for some time. He ordered one for each of us and we called them "anniversary gifts", LOL. I highly recommend the pack by the way.

It is an Osprey Talon 22
. I like it far better than my old, well-worn Kelty day pack. It has a stretchy pocket on the front, perfect for a rain jacket or poncho, a large interior area for lunch and other suplies, a smaller pocket for the things I used to keep in a "ditty bag" (mosquito repellent, sunscreeen, first aid kit, water purification tablets, fire starting supplies, etc...) and a hydration sleeve, if you use one. I prefer to put water bottles in the side pockets designed for that purpose. The pack also has two small zipper access pouches in the torso belt perfect for a pocket knife, lipstick, energy bar or whatever other handy item you want to keep easily accessible.

We just
LOVE to head to the "great outdoors" and hike, explore and experience the beauty that so abundantly surrounds, us, these new day packs will get a lot of use over the years and I can't think of a better anniversary gift!

Before I had snapped this photo of Ethan,
we had just asked him what we should do for our weekend and he said he would LOVE it if we took him on a hike in the mountains.

Photos from our FUN day of hiking to the Lower Palisades Lake.
Eight Miles round trip.

My boys at the trail head...

I LOVE the profile of my
sweet little Ethan hiking in front of me...

and my handsome hubby hiking beside me...
Time for a water break.

Having a Marvelous time!

Jade is thrilled
that we are out enjoying a hike together.
In his opinion, we don't get out enough...

"And why can't we be like other families that are "out-doorsy" and hike every single weekend"!

Crossing a stream...

Ethan blowing his whistle...
Time to stop and enjoy
some snacks in the shade!

My hubby is the most FRIENDLY man I know!
Every time we are up hiking, OR, shopping, OR anywhere, Tracy loves to stop and talk to people and find out where they're from, what brought them up here, if they like the piece of backpacking gear they are using.
You name it, he'll ask the question.
The men that Tracy is talking to in this photo, were up here fishing and so he was asking all about what kind of bait they were using, if they were catching anything, etc...

Ethan is loving his water bottle fanny pack and that he has a necklace with a whistle around his neck.

Tracy and Ethan...
enjoying a little bit of shade.

Jade likes to keep hiking
and doesn't deal well with Tracy and Ethan always stopping and talking.
He likes to set the pace on all of our hiking adventures!

VERY hot day...
time to unzip our pant legs and turn them into shorts!

The gorgeous flowers we enjoyed along the way!!

Beautiful stream!

Jade hiking along the trail!

Tracy crossing the stream!

Part of the fun of hiking
is noticing all of the textures and unique sites!
Another "Aardvark" tree!

My handsome and awesome hiker JADE!

We had stopped to fill up water
and when I went to put on my backpack I loved the sight I saw.
LOVE my trekking poles and new day pack!
I was starving that I almost tore into that sandwich, however, since we were not very far from the top we decided keep on hiking and eat lunch by the lake.

I can't say enough of how much
I LOVE my trekking poles!

They really make hiking enjoyable and I can't imagine going on any hike without them! They make it easier on my knees and make it where you can just bounce along the trail, no matter how easy or steep it may be.

Stunning beauty!!

The view of Tracy and Ethan behind me
and Jade in front of me

as we are hiking the last little bit before making it to the lake.

Lower Palisades Lake!
It was perfect and worth the four mile hike in!
I am amazed at the electric blue sky and the perfect reflection of the sky on the water.
Amazing and gorgeous!!

A sweet man was up there and noticed us snapping photos and offered to take our family photo.
While the lighting wasn't too great (it was SO bright),
I love that we have this photo of us together!

My men and Mr. Christensen.
This was one of the nicest men I have ever met.
He is from Shelley and was out for a daily hike to enjoy some fresh air and exercise. I lost track of how many times he commented how lucky we are that we are all out together hiking as a family!

He lost his wife this Spring and was very sad, but trying to keep happy and positive and he loves to get out the mountains as much as he can...he just couldn't tell us enough how wonderful it is that we take the time to be out hiking together!

Tracy and Mr. Christensen still chatting.

The kids and I headed down to the lake
to fill up our water bottles and the kids wanted to soak their feet.

Enjoying lunch!

Tracy snapped some photos of me...
I am SO lucky, because I am not too beautiful when I am out hiking, but Tracy loves me NO matter what!
What matters to him is that we are out enjoying nature together.

There is a time and season for everything.

A time to be all gussied up and heading out to town on a date
and a time to be all dressed in hiking gear, heading out to the mountains to enjoy wonderful adventures as a family. poor Ethan got a little excited down at the lake and lost his balance and fell in and got his pants all wet.
Tracy has started a little twig fire and is trying to dry out his clothes.

I was trying to snap a photo showing the lake behind me, but the lighting wasn't cooperating.

Getting backpacks on
and ready to head back down.

Ethan posed so cute by a big rock.

Jade leading the pack as we head down the hill.

and then Ethan followed...

Ethan and Tracy are "best buddies"
and I love looking and seeing them hiking along together.
The JOY of having little kids...
savoring these moments greatly.

End of a great day!

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand,
rejoice, for your soul is alive"!

~Eleonora Duse


  1. Looks like such a great time.
    We took our YW there several years ago when I was the camp director.
    It was beautiful!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
    It's nice to have some warmth and sunshine.

  2. i LOVE this post!!!!

    anything palisades is a happy memory for me. camping at the reservoir was my favorite ever! =)
    one of our fave hikes was up to chicken springs, past the upper lake.
    one of our greatest hiking experiences, next to summer falls on the olympic peninsula here in WA.
    glad you guys had a great time.

    one of these days i'll stay around long enough to get some hiking in again!

  3. What beautiful scenery. Must say that I am jealous of all of your adventures. We try to get out but it is hard with the kids being so little. I am really looking foward to the next few years. I think we will be able to do more adventures when Hudson is 5 and Reese is 3. I have always been impressed with your guy's tenacity to just put your kids in the backpack and go.

    I agree with you...building memories is what it is all about! Can't believe how big your boys are.

  4. Beautiful pictures Kimmie and a beautiful day!
    And I think Mr. Christensen is right - it is wonderful to be out hiking together as a family or just doing anything as a family - so many families don't take the time to spend time together. It is a beautiful thing.
    I am intrigued by your trekking poles. I have never used or seen anyone use those - They look like they would be a great help, especially up hills!
    I love that Jade likes to be the one to set the pace for your hikes. He sounds like he loves being out of doors - I had to laugh when you said he wonders why you can't go every weekend like other families!! Ha Ha What??? I think you guys hike more than any family I know!!
    Loved seeing your wonderful day and your sweet family!!

  5. P.S. So happy your arm is doing better. I didn't know what kind of work you did.

  6. I think you're beautiful whether you're in the mountains with a backpack or out on a date with Tracy!

    These pictures show it all: fun family time, nature at its finest, kind people along the way.

    You guys are great examples of family togetherness.

  7. WOW!!!! I cannot believe how gorgeous Idaho is. You really live in an amazing place! You look really pretty btw..if that's how you look naturally--you are VERY lucky!
