Sunday, August 29, 2010

School Days 2010!

August 25th...

I sent my kiddos out the door with tummies full, lots of words of encouragement and away they went down the end of our lane to catch the school bus along with the other kids in our neighborhood.

Tracy and I walked back to the house
and enjoyed a few moments before he had to head to work. He commented how bad our yard looks right now, since it seems to be overtaken with weeds. (yes, I agree and I can't wait to have free afternoons to finally get caught up on everything that has languished so badly this summer).

I then sent him off with a hug and kiss,
walked into the house and there was complete and absolute silence. It's so strange to have noise all of the time and then to suddenly not have it.

SO, I went to our music folder,
pulled up my Depeche Mode folder
that Tracy and I created last year the day after our concert...

I turned up
the music loud,
dusting polish and cleaning supplies and
listened to some of my favorite music,
cleaning away, while I had a stroll down memory lane reminiscing on one the funnest days of my life. (click here)

After three hours of music, cleaning and reminiscing,
I had the main area of our home sparkling clean!
It hasn't been this way for awhile.
While it is always neat and tidy, the busyness of summer has made it where the "details" have gotten overlooked (dusting, mirrors cleaned, etc...)

I had to run some errands in the afternoon

and when I walked through the kitchen door, I was greeted with a sparkling clean floor and windows, shiny appliances and ORDER!!
(I always think about this quote (here) when I have dribbles all over my kitchen floor).

I had a perfect day!

Adorable Kids,
A clean house,
yummy back to school dinner...

where we all got to create pizza
to our own liking.

We ended the evening with a few games of
(using our apple notepads to write our words down on
and blew on our Kazoos!)

Tracy then gave Jade and Ethan a Father's blessing of comfort and encouragement to start off the new school year.
My boys are
SO blessed to have the best dad in the world and Ethan and Jade both hold on to every word that Tracy tells them and they feel like they can conquer the world and deal with any challenge that may come their way.

After blessings...
Dessert was served!

Then off to set out clothes and backpacks for the next day, changed into jammies and brushed teeth and then big hugs and kisses and tucked into bed.

"You make flowers of my hours.
Today was a bouquet."

Looking forward to LOTS of school fun with my boys this year!
I just can't believe that I have a Sophomore in High School and a third grader.
They are growing up way too fast

and while I would love to have a perfectly sparking clean house every moment of the day, I would much rather spend time with my kids creating memories!

(However, I will enjoy the few moments that I can of "sparkling clean" house as well).
"It's all good"!


  1. Happy Back to School! My kids go back tomorrow and they are so excited.
    So do your boys ride the same bus?
    I love the little apple treats you made them for the first day - so cute!!
    Build your own pizza's is one of my kids favorite dinners also! I have to put it on the menu at least once a month - SOOO Good!! I like artichokes on mine so this is one of the times I can put all I want on - ha ha.
    Glad you were able to have a few hours of quiet and to have the time to get your house sparkling clean :)
    Enjoy and we'll see you in a few weeks - Yayyyyy!

  2. Fun back to school time.
    Wow! Quiet after your busy summer, you must have had a little shock.

    Kinda fun to enjoy a few minutes of peace, but how fun to have the boys come home.

    Fun pizzas! We used to do that as well. The kids came up with the craziest stuff.

    Our oldest son came home yesterday to help Howie lay new carpet in our apartment, we had a HOUSEFUL of kids and grandkids. It was fabulous.
    I miss the noise and confusion.

    Hope you have a great week.

  3. Cute back to school party!

    I see your pies.. and I want to die. Seriously. Can a picture look any yummier? That crust..... mmmmmm.
