Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kimmie in Real Life (week 3)


that is what I learned this week!
Even though, I am really quite good at planning, I had to work extra hard at planning and being organized this week.

Since I have to go to three days of Physical Therapy each week (I go right after work) and Tuesday is Scouts and Young Men's activities for all three men in our family and Ethan has Tae-Kwon-do each Wednesday and Thursday from 6-7 pm it made it where
I really had to plan and be on the ball more than normal.

(especially, since I don't have any moments that I'm not at work, OR, surrounded by my adorable sons!)

Chaos and all,
it was another GREAT week.

Here are some of the food highlights from this week.
(It was a very dreary and gray week, without much sunshine and so some of the photos don't look the best because we didn't have nice outside light shining in our kitchen windows)

This was this week's favorite...
Fresh cut up orange slices.

I lost track of how many times Ethan BEGGED for more orange slices and I felt bad that I didn't have more to give him!!

Another Delicious smoothie...
Frozen pineapple out of our freezer,
the blackberries, peaches and coconut were leftover from the previous weeks Bountiful Basket

I spiced up our salad by making some
homemade croutons out of my French Bread.

I sliced a piece of bread, lightly buttered it,
sprinkled generously with garlic salt,
sliced into chunks and put it on a cookie sheet in our toaster oven until they were lightly toasted.
YUMMY and SO easy!

And one more Smoothie...
Frozen pineapple, strawberries and blueberries out of our freezer,
summer squash and oranges were leftover from the Bountiful Basket.
Smoothies are a great way to "Disguise" veggies for your kids

This is such an easy and yummy treat
that uses food storage ingredients AND makes up real quick.
Here is the Recipe:
1/2 cup popcorn kernels either popped on the stove or in the air popper

(Caramel Coating)
3/4 cup REAL butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
3 cups of marshmallows

Put the butter and brown sugar in a microwave safe bowl and cook on high for 2 minutes.
Add the marshmallows and cook for another minute, (or until marshmallows are melted).
Stir again and pour over popcorn and mix until all popcorn is coated.

(This is a yummy treat that makes up in just a few minutes and is great to make for something yummy to eat when you have unexpected company.)

I had to snap this photo as this was such a happy sight for me as I was cleaning the kitchen...
Fresh baked bread and yummy produce to enjoy.
This brings me comfort!

My kids were SO excited
to steam up our Baby Bok Choy for dinner and Tracy grilled up some Salmon on the grill.
This was Ethan's FAVORITE meal we had this week!

May 30th – June 5th
Boiled Eggs, muffins, bananas
Tuna Sandwiches, Carrot sticks, sliced cucumbers, brownies
(Sunday dinner at my moms…..Roast Beef, Mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, rolls)

Fried eggs/toast
Smoothies, open faced veggies sandwiches
Corn Chowder, fresh out of the oven hot French Bread

Steel Cut Oats
Tracy (leftover soup, bread, apple, fruit leather)
Kids—string cheese, orange slices, black bean/cheese Quesadillas, brownies
Butternut Squash Casserole, cucumbers

Steel Cut Oats
(Tracy—Butternut Squash casserole, sliced cucumbers, apple, honey cookie)
Kids—carrots/cucumbers and dip, peanut butter/jelly sandwich, Honey Cookies, apples
(Jade also enjoyed the last slice of Butternut Squash Casserole)
Leftover Corn Chowder, Green Salad with homemade croutons

Steel Cut Oats
(Tracy—Leftover Soup/Salad, apple, slice of bread, honey cookies)
Kids—Scrambled egg sandwich, apple slices, honey cookies
Ham and Bean Chowder, cottage cheese, cornbread

Steel Cut Oats
(FREE Jerky we got at “Basic Living” store)
Smoothies (Kids had corn on the cob, Tracy and I had toast)
Ranch Popcorn

(Kimmie Steel Cut Oats)
(Tracy and the boys)Buttermilk pancakes/eggs
Leftover Bean Chowder/Corn Bread (I had to work today and Tracy and the kids brought me heated up chowder in our Stanley thermos for me to enjoy on the drive home....My family spoils me!)
Grilled Salmon and Baby Bok Choy

Honey Cookies
Caramel Popcorn
Fresh Bread and toast
Carrot sticks
Ranch Popcorn

I am really realizing more than ever
how very BLESSED

I am and how grateful my kids are for each and every morsel of yummy food we have to eat.
I learned this week that baking French Bread can be made under any circumstances and no matter how busy and hectic the day is, it can be made without much hassle at all
(even though
some days it seems like it is almost impossible to squeeze bread making into the day)

I have HAPPY, HAPPY kids
because this next week we get to enjoy grapes, peaches apples, honeydew, bananas, corn on the cob and another delicious salad and Baby Bok Choy.
Yay for Bountiful Baskets!

Another Wonderful Week...


  1. Did you use up all your Bok Choy?
    I'm wondering what to do with it besides salad.

    I loved eating the fresh fruit, it has been yummy.

    I look forward to ordering again.
    Love what you week of planning.

  2. Why the physical therapy???? I love to see what you guys are eating. I am excited for the bok choy. We should have eaten it today, but ate with Dean and Sherrey instead.

  3. What a Woman you are!
    When my nights get hectic.. it's a sandwich or cereal here!!

    I LOVE how passionate you are about the bountiful baskets.. :)

    I have never had Bok Choy. ( AT least not that I am aware of.. )

    What does it taste like? How do you eat and prepare it??
