Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Forgotten Moments in Time!

“So live that your memories
will be part of your happiness”

I am missing that wonderful hubby of mine right now.
All of my
joys, happiness, sadness, everything important in my life has included and been spent and shared with Tracy.

I just went to my Sweet Friend
Cherie's blog.
She had Surgery that is going to put her spending the majority of her summer recovering and so she reflected on happy times from the past 5 years of things they were enjoying in the month of June.

I LOVE taking strolls down memory lane and so do my kids. If I can't find Jade, he is usually at our computer looking at all of our MANY photos we have taken since Ethan was born.

I LOVE the digital era of having all of our photos at our fingertips to enjoy.
So, I decided to take her challenge of posting photos of what we were doing for the past six years in the month of June.

I can't believe how much I have aged.
I just look like a young thing in some of these photos and I had forgotten that my hair was cut fairly short.
I felt a twinge of sadness as I looked at photos of Ethan being on Tracy's shoulders, or me packing him on my hip or pushing him in a stroller and realizing that I have an eight year old boy who can't be packed around anymore.

My how time has just FLOWN by.
I have a Wonderful Life of
Good Times...Great Memories!

I can't believe how mature our yard is!
It seems like just yesterday when we were planning out our front yard and planting trees.
Now, they are all getting SO big and I have perennial flowers that blossom from Spring to Fall.

I was enjoying the two wonderful days I had with Tracy in Yosemite
. Hiking all day, sleeping in the car at nights, enjoying music, nature in all her splendor and enjoying the peace and quiet of the 10 hour drive home without the constant interruption of little kids.

Happy JUNE 2009!!

2008-- brought hikes
up the Cress Creek Trail and grilling hot dogs on the grill

2008 also brought SNOW and eating dinner on the lawn using our rocks from our rock wall as chairs.

2007-- we were picking up Tracy from the airport after he returned from a week long business trip to California. "Pirates of the Caribbean" was the craze that year and Tracy brought home souvenirs and treats with the "Pirates" theme!

2006-- our sweet little Ethan
learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!
SO adorable!

This was what our yard looked like after one year of putting it in.
I can't believe how small our trees were!

JUNE 2005--was a BUSY month!
Ethan was just getting over "Chicken pox" and so every photo is full of dots and scabs all over his little face and little body!

Our month consisted of building a chicken coop from starting the building project in the garage...

moving it onto the trailer and unloading it in the back yard...

to enclosing it in!

It was the month we built
the raised beds for our first garden...

And it was such a happy sight
to see all of our little seeds sprouting!

A trip to Lagoon was also part of our month.
I miss that little guy holding my hand, pushing him in the stroller and packing him around on my hip!

After Lagoon we spent a day with my parents before my mom had knee surgery.
I LOVED that my parents and I were all wearing yellow!

Jade got to enjoy riding a horses at my parents as well.

2004-- we had a 2 year old and a 10 year old,
we hauled many rocks to landscape our yard, went on many little hikes with our little family and the photo of Ethan asleep on Tracy's shoulders is priceless.
He was too tired to walk any further and so Tracy put him on his shoulders and he fell asleep.

We also enjoyed another FUN trip to Lagoon as part of "Thiokel Day" for my dads work.
I LOVE my cute short haircut in these photos!!

It just goes to show you that the best things in life aren't things...
it is FAMILY, Friendship and MEMORIES.
I enjoy SO much
reflecting back on "Forgotten Moments in Time"!

"Use your precious moments
to live life fully every single second of every single day"!


  1. Kimmie I am so glad you took my challenge on your blog!
    I absolutely Loved going back in time with you and your family. Time really does fly by but enjoying each moment and cherishing each memory is a priceless gift.
    I think alot of people move through their lives and forget to do that.
    The picture of Jade on the horse totally floored me. I think it might be the hair but he looks just like Ethan!! You can definately tell they are brothers from that picture.
    The Chicken Coop...Awesome!! :D What a fun project - I loved all the pictures. You know I have heard you talk about chickens and eggs but I never put it together before ha ha - that's a city girl for you. So do your boys collect the eggs fun!
    I love your cute short haircut too! You look so sassy and cute!!!
    I hope you are doing fine without your hubby. Have a super day my friend:)


  2. Hey you!!! Thank you for your comment!!! I love checking up on your blog and need to rememebr to commont more often. Can you believe I've done two or three posts in ONE WEEK?! That's amazing!!! I have one or two more I want to do but I've got to get the pictures on the computer for it. I love catching up on yours. I've started getting more serious about food storage after watching what you guys have done and are doing with yours. We REALLY need to do better with that and saving money. I'm glad I have friends like you that help me keep that in perspective... even if you don't realize it.

    I hope you're doing good!! I miss you!!!

  3. So darling! I loved seeing how your life has changed....gotten sweeter.
    Ya, the getting old part is the pits. I wish I was a young mama again. I think I don't love having an empty house.
    I love your chicken coop. I would LOVE to have chickens and wish we lived in the country so I could.
    Beautiful yard.

    It looks like you have made a lifetime of wonderful memories for your kids.
    You are a great woman.
