Sunday, May 9, 2010

Little moments of JOY!!

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts." --Washington Irving

It has been quite an emotional past few weeks
as I realize how quickly my sweet children are growing up and moments that I look forward to are no longer there.

My sadness came as we registered Jade for his Sophomore year of High School...I cried tears of sadness thinking that I only have a few more precious years of having Jade in school and then he most likely will move on to college, mission, or where ever life takes him.

I had a moment of sadness,
as Ethan is now in Cub Scouts and his activities are on Tuesday nights. Tracy and Jade have Young Men's activities on Tuesday nights and these nights used to be
reserved to sit with Ethan and read book after book on our comfy bean bag.

I could always guarantee
that no matter how crazy and busy life got I always had Tuesday night book reading with Ethan to look forward to!

Now, I have Tuesday nights to myself and I miss my sweet times with my little boy.
Oh how did the time pass SO quickly!!

This morning we sent Ethan off to Scout Jamborall and it has been quiet. In fact, this afternoon after we had lunch and we were cleaning up the kitchen, Jade said:

"It's so quiet...I really miss Ethan"

That moment just made me melt as even though Jade and Ethan don't always get along, they miss each other when they're not around.

My first favorite thing in this whole wide world is being a wife to Tracy and
my second favorite thing in this whole wide world is having the great honor to be a MOM to my sweet sons Jade and Ethan.

Here are some happy moments from the past month or two that brought smiles and JOY to my life.
Oh, the JOY and Happiness

of being a mom,
friend and aunt
to many sweet and adorable children.

What a sweet time we had in April as Ethan was baptized and what awesome boys, friends and neighbors that got Baptized the same day as Ethan!
Ethan, Karsen and Nate!

Ethan and Tracy...priceless!
(Poor Ethan had fallen on the playground 2 days before his Baptism and was sporting a pretty big shiner on his eye).

It was a hectic day and these were the only two photos we got on Ethan's special day.
SO grateful for these!!

Jade and Tracy looking so handsome
in their blue shirts as they
head off to an amazing evening at EFY.
Great talks were given and they touched Jade's heart...
They also got to enjoy the
music and talent of Jon Schmidt

My special window...
We got one of the windows out of one of the old schools from the school district that Tracy works for and for MANY years I have been begging Tracy to make me a spot to display all of our photos that we get from our Christmas cards and letters each year.
Tracy finished this for me
for our 20 year anniversary!

I LOVE going into my entry and seeing the many faces and smiles of friends and family that mean so much to me!
(details of how he made this, coming in a future post)

My handsome Jade getting ready to run the 800 M in track.
YAY, that we actually finally got to see him run as 5 out of 8 track meets were cancelled this season due to bad weather.

Jade running a GREAT race!!

What an AWESOME thing to have your grandma there to congratulate you after you have run your 1600 M race!
LUCKY to have such an awesome Grandma who drove all the way from Utah (3 hours) to watch him run!

This cute little family...
Travis, Cheryl and Hudson just welcomed a new member to the Smith family
Reese Claire...

This is the adorable birth announcement
we received in the mail for Reese Claire...
It is SO cute
and it makes me happy and smile each time I look at it!

(our talented Niece Candace
is the one who created this clever and unique masterpiece).

How lucky Ethan is to have cousins that were born at the same time as him and they all get to celebrate important dates together.
Paris got Baptized in February
Ethan got Baptized in April
and Olivia got Baptized in May!

Happy moments from the luncheon after Olivia's Baptism...
Along, with celebrating Olivia's birthday
we also celebrated the birthday of Olivia's sister
"Princess Ava"!!
It's always SO much fun each time we get to spend together with cousins and family!

“Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart.”

Happy Mother's Day 2010!


  1. Happy Mothers Day to you as well!

    Looks like your life is so full right now and it sounds like you are appreciating every moment.
    Good for you!

    Beautiful pictures and CUTE baby announcement.

    Have a great week.

  2. What a fun post - Alot going on - Life is just busy isn't it - but I think you can grab so many great moments that way :D
    Kids just DO grow up so fast. I am a teary eyed mom all the time thinking about moments that have passed. So my heart went out to you as you realized you have lost your Tuesday nights with Ethan. The great thing is that you did do that for so long and he will always have those happy memories of his mom :D
    Congratulations on Ethan's baptism - always such a special day and I love when kids can get baptized with their friends - great picture that they will love when they get older too.
    The window!! You and I are sisters from another mother I tell you! I love your window! As you know I have had an antique window in my entry with all of our Christmas card pictures on it for years and it is one of my absolute favorite things in my house. It is just joyful to look at.
    I know you are going to love having this in your home! Every time you walk through the door, and everyone who comes to your house will love it too. There is just something about seeing so many smiling faces of people you love to make you happy :D I know I have your families cute picture up in our entry and I love seeing all The Smith family each day and am thankful for our friendship!

    Yayyyy to Jade on his great run! It is so fun to have family there to cheer you on in something you love!

    OK this is turning into the hugest comment ever!! ha Ha

    You are such a wonderful mother and it shows in every post! Hope you are having a fantastic Mother's Day!!!!!

  3. Happy Mothers Day Kimmie! I'm so glad I know you. Sorry if this is weird, I'm just grateful for good influences today and you are definitely one of them. :)

    I love that you spend so much time with your boys, you are a great mom.

  4. Yes... busy!!

    I feel many of the same things you do about your kids.. it's so sad to see them grow up!!

    I love your window.. and I look forward to seeing that.. and the rest of your remodel later on..

    Hope your Mothers Day weekend was fabulous! Love ya!
