Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Where flowers bloom
so does hope"

It has happened...
Kimmie has finally got her life somewhat put back together.
So many
more things still to do,
so many
things to write about...
I just wish there was more hours in the day!

I have been thinking a lot about JOY

as I have had the most gorgeous Amaryllis flower that has kept me company by kitchen sink these past few weeks! I received this as a gift from a sweet couple in our ward the first week of March and it only had a few leaves...
I watched
it sprout...and the stock grew and grew and blossomed into two of the most gorgeous flowers that have ever graced my kitchen counter tops.

It's amazing how such a small thing
can bring so much Joy and Hope to your life...

When you're trying to survive a home improvement project and your home is in utter chaos and disarray...
When a few days each week we wake up to SNOW...
When 4 out of 5 of Jade's track meets have been canceled because of bad weather...
When I am in such a mess, but I keep cooking meals for my family to eat so we can keep on our budget...
When you don't have a computer to check emails or keep up with friends and family...
When you are surviving on 4 hours of sleep each night trying to get your home in order so it will be somewhat presentable for company on the weekend of your son's Baptism...
When you're wondering how you will ever have time to write your sweetheart a love letter for your 20th wedding anniversary...
AND many other things.

I am SO grateful for the LITTLE things in life that make it so big...

...Hugs and Kisses from my sons
and most of all their patience with Tracy and I as we had to keep working on projects to get things finished and we didn't get to spend as much quality time with our sons as we usually do.

...a wink and a "pat on the butt" from "Mr. Smith", as we scurried around working together
...being married to the most AMAZING man in the world who has done so many things to make our home remodel gorgeous and successful
(I'm still amazed at how much TALENT that Handy "Mr Smith" of mine has...
it truly is awe-inspring!)

and a HOME full of Laughter
and LOTS of Love
(no matter how crazy it gets)!!

I'm still trying to get my thoughts and photos together to share what has happened in my life these past 2 weeks, so bear with me and I'll keep posting as I get the time and energy to do it.
Looking forward
to seeing what all of my friends and family have been up to as well.

Have a wonderful day and
"take time to smell the flowers
and enjoy each stage of this wonderful life"


  1. I love the flower! It's great that you would take time to take pictures of it while you are in the midst of "home improvement"!
    Whenever we've done a project I'm in a coma until it's done.

    I am excited to see pictures of the finished product! I bet it looks good!!!!

  2. Kimmie the flowers are beautiful - Love the happy red color!
    I am so glad you are getting through the house project - it's a big job! And KUDO's to Tracy for being such a great handyman :D
    And YOU ARE THE WOMAN for cooking all your wonderful things to stay on budget - I will admit I am a lesser woman and probably would have gone to Pizza Hut - ha ha.
    You are wonderful - it is great to see you on the blog again.

    Have a Fabulous day!


  3. Yay! A Post!
    I have missed your posts.. and your sweet comments!!!

    I TOTALLY understand all of this.

    Soo excited to see the finished rooms.. and so happy that you have a handy man like I do! :)

    Yay for getting life back to order.. and warmer temps!!!

  4. The flower is beautiful!

    Glad you're getting your life back together. It's such a process to make even the simplest of changes. And it sounds to me that yours wasn't so simple.

    Hope you get a little rest this weekend!!! Thanks for always sending positive energy our way!

  5. You've been watching more than the flower take shape! Remodeling is such a project but oh, how great it will be when it's finished!

    It's good to hear from you again. I've missed you!

    Good luck with getting everything back in order. Can't wait to see pictures of the finished project!

  6. I am still amazed by the big spread of food you had after the baptism. I could never make that many things to have for one meal. Everything was so yummy. I wondered how you did it all--4 hours of sleep! Sheesh. Next time, please let me help :) Good luck with the house projects!! You guys do good work. Can't wait to see! We are loving making your french bread!! Have a good week!
