Friday, April 23, 2010

The sweetness of little children!

of a priceless moment
we had at the dinner table last night.

Thursday April 22nd...

it pretty much rained all day long and as the afternoon carried on it turned into a mixture of rain and snow.

When Tracy got home
we decided that snow/rain or not, we were going to enjoy a walk around our neighborhood block together before we had dinner. It was a WONDERFUL walk with my sweetie, holding hands, dreaming, talking about how we were going to enjoy our evening and upcoming weekend.

During our walk we looked over and noticed a mother cow just staring at us. I looked down and noticed a lifeless little calf lying on the ground next to the mommy cow. The mom just kept on putting her head down trying to move the baby calf, but it was not alive. I felt SO sad for that poor mommy.

We came home
and took off our wet jackets and dished up bowls of warm soup and sat at our kitchen table and enjoyed dinner and great conversation with our kids.

As we were talking
I looked out our back window and saw that mommy cow staring towards our house. I told the kids what we had seen on our walk.

A few moments later I looked over and Ethan was somber and just kind of picking at his food. I asked him what was wrong and he said the following priceless comment:

"Well, I was just thinking that they had cows in the days of "Little House on the Prairie" and if we lived back in those days, than you and I would have died when I was born and the way that mommy cow is looking down at her baby who died, is how dad would have been looking at us."

(To read Ethan's story of here)

I was overwhelmed
with SO much love for my sweet precious Ethan (teary-eyed as well) and we proceeded to tell him how LUCKY we are to live in such a wonderful time where we had the blessing of modern medicine to save both of our lives. I learned a powerful lesson in that moment that my eight year old son
LOVES being alive and is grateful for life

Feeling VERY grateful
to still be on this precious earth and to have the chance to
be a mom
to my two wonderful sons Jade and Ethan and a wife to my best friend Tracy!

Life is wonderful and each day is a precious gift and should be celebrated and enjoyed to the fullest!

Happy Weekend!


  1. Beautiful and sweet thoughts Kimmie. I am headed to read Ethan's birth story. I knew he was a preemie, but I'm going to enjoy his story. Especially since I know he's such a healthy darling young man now.

    I love the way you really enjoy and have joy in each day.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh my.. *tears*.

    This breaks my heart. I am too sensitive for my own good.. and I would have cried. Good job documenting it.

    I also.. feel so sad for that Momma cow. So sad. I probably wouldn't have been able to rest..
    I'm just the type of person that wants to "fix" things.. I would seriously be that dumb blonde girl out in the field trying to revive the little calf.

    Life is so very precious.. and you are indeed blessed with that little Ethan. :)

  3. You always make me feel so good! What a sweet story about Ethan, the miracle child! Tenderness is such a wonderful trait.

  4. Very sweet thoughts Kimmie. I had pre eclapsia with my first one. He was born 4 weeks early. I have thougt about that same thing several times. We are surely blessed to live in this day and age.

  5. Boys can be so tender hearted! What a wonder that Ethan made that connection. He is such a sweet boy!
    I am sad about the Mama cow:( Poor thing!

    I love that Ethan connected it all through "Little House On The Prairie" - only one of the greatest shows ever!

  6. What a sweet tender boy. Sometimes I'd like to be able to read and hear what my boys are thinking. They are so tender in their thoughts.

    I read about his sweet little birth. What a blessing to now enjoy such a wonderful young man.

    And that poor momma cow!! That would have killed me to see that.
