Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lemon Herbed Roasted Chicken

There is nothing yummier
then coming home from a long day at work and having the house smell fragrant and delicious from this chicken recipe cooking in the crockpot.

This recipe came with my first crock-pot I ever owned and I just love how easy it is to throw together.
Put it on low
and 8-10 hours later you have dinner to eat!

You can quickly throw this together and in your crockpot before you leave for work or school in the morning,
OR, you can put it all together in the crock at night and then in the morning just pull the crock, put it in the crock pot and turn it to low to cook all day,
OR, if you have late afternoon church, put this in the crockpot at 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning and then by 4:00 you will have dinner to enjoy after you get home from church.

It gets SO tender

that the meat just falls right off the bones!

SO good...

I used
some of the leftover chicken
for sandwiches for lunch the next day...

And the ugly carcass and leftover mess
from the chicken dinner, I just put in my fridge and then pulled it out 2 days later added water and boiled it up and used the broth to make...you guessed it;
WHATCHAGOT <---click here soup!!

Lemon Herbed Roasted Chicken
3-4 pound
fryer or roasting chicken

1 chopped

2 Tbsp
melted butter

of one lemon

½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp

¼ tsp.

¼ tsp.

Rinse chicken well and pat dry—remove any excess fat.
Place onion in the cavity of the chicken and
place chicken in crock pot.
Pour melted butter over outside of chicken.
Squeeze juice of lemon over the chicken and
sprinkle with remaining seasonings. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours.

This is the perfect dish for company
served with “Potato Casserole” and steamed veggies or salad.



  1. I have never cooked a whole chicken like this before. I am going to try it because it's in the crockpot!

    As always.. thanks for sharing the recipe!

  2. I don't buy whole chickens because I hate cutting them up. This is a great way to cook a whole chicken! Thanks for sharing. Great name for the soup Whatchagot, describes my soup perfectly!
    Thanks for sharing these recipes!

  3. I LOVE cooking a whole chicken in the crock pot. I have lots of whole chickens in my freezer after the $.69 lb sale. It's such an easy thing to do - put a chicken in the crock pot in the morning and a wonderful meal that night. Plus, soup, sandwiches, chicken enchiladas, later in the week.I love this easy way of cooking a chicken and it's sooo moist. I've never used anything but salt on my chicken. I'll have to try out the lemon herb recipe. Yum!

  4. This one is another "Kimmie Keeper"
    Looks delish!

  5. This sounds so good. I always use my sticky chicken recipe for whole chicken, but I think I will have to give this one a whirl. Kimmie thank you for all your great recipes. I have never made one that my family didn't love. Take care.

  6. Great recipe - I love anything to do with Lemons and chicken - such a good combo! And I LOVE my crockpot. During the colder months of the year me and my crockpot are best buds (wink)!!

    Buying a whole chicken is so much more economical than buying any other type or cut of chicken - but you already know that :D

    I love the name of your soup - Where do you come up with this stuff? You are so dang cute!!!

    Hey I think Tauna came up with the name of your future cookbook "Kimmie's Keepers'!!! I love that!!

    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday :D
