Friday, March 26, 2010

A 1000 times of fun!

A 1000 times of fun!!
Those were the words that I heard over and over after Ethan's birthday party!!

My sons love to gather around
when I am reading peoples Blogs and last year my sweet friend Cherie showed an awesome party that she did for her 9 year old son. Ethan has been begging me since he saw those photos last year that he wanted to have a MAD Scientist party for his birthday this year.

It's sad that this is the first "Friend" birthday party I have ever done for Ethan, but up until this year he hasn't ever asked for a party.

Birthdays at our house mean you don't have to do your chores that day, mom fixes your favorite dinner and you get special treatment all day, so getting a special party is pretty cherished!

I had SO much fun planning this and what a FUN day we all had!

I am a creative person,
but I am NOT artistic at all.

I had delusions of grandeur that we would have the coolest pinata for Ethan's party that was a mad scientist complete with crazy hair and goggles.
I spent five days putting paper mache on the balloon and letting it dry in between. I painted it a nice flesh color and was hoping that Tracy could just work his magic and paint a face on the pinata and then I would add batting all glued and made into crazy hair.
HOWEVER, Tracy informed me real quick that there was no possible way to make this into a 3D pinata and so we made do and drew an 8 on the pinata and painted it to look nice...added some curly and sparkles to the top and there you have first attempt at making a homemade pinata!

I LOVED these boys...
it was SO much fun!!

However, I learned real quick that it is ALOT of work throwing a party with eight FULL OF ENERGY 8 and 9 year old boys and trying to snap photos while trying to do the games and activities was not as easy as I had planned.
SO, my photos were not the best and didn't include everything we did, but they show the FUN that we had.

I LOVED this lime green paper I found and had SO much fun making the invitations and helping Ethan deliver them.

Name badges with
the lime green paper were made as well.

After we gave the boys their lab coats,
put on their name badges,
gelled their hair crazy
and passed out goggles,
Ethan's grandpa (Tracy's dad)
started off the party with a funny song and some MAGIC tricks.
The boys were in awe and intrigued!

This photo shows
just how into the Magic Tricks the kids were.
Clair had their undivided attention.

(from left to right)
Woodrow, Braxton, Karsen, Bryson,
Lincoln, Logan, Ethan and Ty

No Mad Scientist Party
would be complete without
exploding Diet Coke with Mentos
We weren't sure how this was going to work out with getting sprayed by Diet Coke everywhere and so Tracy put on his trusty hiking parka to make sure the boys didn't get sprayed too bad.

We had four bottles of Diet Coke

and so we split the boys into groups of two and had two pieces of string hooked to a note card and a test tube with seven Mentos inside. On the count of three the boys pulled on their strings and pulled out the note card and the Mentos dropped into the pop and then...

Woodrow and Ty's explosion!

Next came Braxton and Karsen...

and then Bryson and Lincoln

and last Ethan and Logan!

Fake Snow!
I had more comments from the boys how cool the Fake Snow was.
You put a teaspoon into warm water and it instantly puffs up into fake snow.

It had neat properties that made it get quite cold to touch after it was added to the water.
The boys were SO excited
to get to take home their container of wonderful snow stuff.

The CRAZY nut
who planned and threw this party!

My very favorite part of the party.
Who would have thunk that Cornstarch and water could make such a COOL substance, (and it cleans up with water).
The kids had more fun with this that they BEGGED to take their slime home with them!

2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
(few drops green food coloring)
Heat water on the stove until it is warm but NOT boiling.
Add in green food coloring
and then slowly add in cornstarch to the colored water.
Mix the starch in water thoroughly, using your fingers. Blend it well, until it becomes a thick and smooth paste.
The final cornstarch mixture should neither be too watery, nor too dry. It should be wet enough to drip through your fingers, but dry to touch.
Store in a resealable bag or container with a lid.


This provides HOURS of fun
for kids AND adults too.

I kept on picking it up and letting it OOZE through my fingers.
Looking forward to doing FUN projects in the summer with my kids and making slime again will definitely be something we will do for sure.

The looks on the boys faces
were priceless!

Lincoln was SO funny...
he was sure that the yellow Jello and gummy worms would not taste good and it took him forever to finally try it, but he finally did.
The boys LOVED
being able to be pigs and slurp and eat their Jello without spoons.


The kids had SO much fun
breaking the Pinata!

My sad pinata that I was afraid would be broke the first few swings, took a licking and it took each boy a few times through the line to finally break it.

Tracy's hard hit FINALLY made the pinata break.
LOTS of excitement came as the boys scurried to get treats and prizes that were waiting inside the pinata!

Our brew of Homemade Rootbeer.
Cup after cup of this was drank!

Birthday cake!
I decided to do a cupcake tower and had eight cup cakes on the top with eight candles for Ethan to blow out.
The rest of the cupcakes were decorated with sprinkles and Neon Gummy Worms.

Our handsome and awesome birthday boy
Ethan Kip!

Time to sing
"Happy Birthday"

and blow out the candles and eat cupcakes.
Lincoln kept on trying to blow the candles out while we sang.
He is such a cute and funny little boy!

Lots of excitement as gifts were opened!
I have never seen SO many fun things for boys to play and have fun with then the gifts his friends gave to him.

Party Favors...
white lunch sacks filled with:

...Mentos Geyser test tube experiment
...Pop Rocks
...Punching ball
...goggles and fake snow
...AND treats from the pinata

Ethan's awesome and silly cousins
Bryson on the left
and Ty on the right

I have never seen a more FUN gift than this...
A Blow Blaster
Ethan played with this non-stop for over two days..sucking and blowing the foam darts. My TV and sliding glass door had lots of little dots all over them that showed I have an eight year old son that is having fun.
After the fun...
a little glass cleaner and paper towels shined the TV screen and glass window to as good as new!

And the party came to an end,
but not without one last magic trick from Grandpa.
He really amazed the kids with his magic tricks!

"Experimentation is an active science".
-- Claude Bernard


  1. Kimmie,
    Those boys must LOVE you! What a fun party! You had all the components of a successful mad scientist party! In other words, I'D love to go to a party like that! Magic tricks, diet coke and mentos, fun! Ethan is such a cutie and he's one lucky boy to have such a fun, loving, creative mother!
    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. Oh yea, and I meant to say that your pinata looks great!

  3. Wow! It looks like your week was very busy!
    What a great party and so fun! Those boys all look like they were having a blast. AND so did the adults.
    I think Tracy looked like he was in his element with the exploding coke. (we love doing that one too)
    What a great mom you are!

  4. Kimmie...You survived!!! Ha ha It is so much work to put on a super duper kids party but SO worth it!!
    Ethan's party looks like it turned out Awesome!!! You did such a great job!!!!
    And you had a nice day too - Whoo Hoo:D
    I think your piƱata turned out great and boy do kids love a Pinata!!
    Good Job on putting on such a successful party - All the boys faces tell the story of the great time they had !!!

  5. Everything looked so awesome!
    Great job!! One day I may attempt this... it's such a clever idea!

    Good job making it such a fun party! It's sure great to be 8!

  6. WOW!!! You outdid yourself--on the party and the post! That looked like such a blast. I bet Ethan just loved it so much. I am such a fan of home-made parties. Not that I always do them...but they are always the most fun in my opinion. I loved the cupcakes and all the cute details--I've always wanted to do the Mentos thing.. I bet the kids went crazy for that. You are such a good mom. I wonder if you EVER aren't smiling.... such an endearing quality that you have.

  7. What a fun party!! All those experiments look so fun!! I love the mad scientist clip art on the invitations! Good luck with all your home projects! We'll see you Saturday. hope the weather is okay!
